Page 155 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 155
SPEAK your mind about debate
"Debate showed me "I've always "I enjoy debate
how to look at life more wanted to be a lawyer because Mr. Milliken is
objectively." or a judge, and my hero!"
Senior debate has helped Junior Terra Sabag
Jonathan Cohn my argumentation
skills a great deal."
Senior Jessica
Nebraska Tourneys
- Jenny Winkler
The one thing that debaters could was out of town and stranded until Sunday,
count on through the year was hard work and another storm found the debaters driving
and preparation for weekend tournaments. across icy roads with "snow pounding the
It was time consuming for most, but the sides of the bus," as Milliken said . Despite
rewards were worth the effort. the weather factors, the group functioned
The debate teams won quite well in those conditions.
Sweepstakes at each Neb. tournament. Fundraising was tried for the first
Fifty students usually debated each week time in order to cover the tournament costs
from Nov. through April at many schools in and travel expenses. Merchant cards were
Nebraska, Iowa, and South Dakota. sold for $5 each, which were much like
Strong teams were vital to the "Pleasure Pacs" except the oiscounts to
successes of the group. Seven new Novice businesses were printed all on one card .
teams had an outstanding year at the The project began April 1 .
tournaments, with most closing out (final The end of the competitive season
rounds would have been MN against MN). allowed some debate students the
Debate coach Scott Milliken said , "This opportunity to prepare for summer debate
year we had some of the best Novice teams institutes around the country. Twenty-five
in several years." Varsity Policy debate also students were expected to attend the camps
had strong teams, including Seniors at colleges such as Wake Forest,
Jonathan Cohn and Kyle Norman, who were Augustana, Baylor, and Univ. of Michigan.
hoping to qualify for National competition in The experience gained from
the spring. competition was of top importance in most
It was important to have a well -researched argument Adverse weather conditions played debaters' minds. Because of this, the
in order to win a debate round. Junior Aaron McKain
argues his poi nt duri ng the seventh-hour Varsity a role in several of the weekend successes of the teams were numerous, as
Debate class .(Dana Zucker) tournaments. During one storm the group well as beneficial to the students' futures.