Page 152 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 152

Seniors Ron  Jones,  Andy Allison,Jenny Crites,  and
                                                                                               Chad Safranek, along with Juniors Bryce  Pen ke  and
                                                                                               Chad  Baker,  show what  an  important factor  group
                                                                                               work is in  Marketing I as they discuss the Crystal Pepsi
                                                                                               taste test they had  conducted.  Most did  not  like  the
                                                                                               new  product  introduced  in  early  January  at  local
                                                                                               businesses.(  Ted Graham) .

                                                                                                Teacher Jeff Alfrey gives Sophomore  Chad  Reed  a
                                                         Junior Gabe Butler checks over his work for the day   hand  with  a  program that  allows  IBM  Compute r
                                                         involving spread sheets in  his IBM Applications class   Application students an  opportunity  to  search  using  ยท
                                                         (Ted Graham).                         the Nebraska Football roster and to find such th ings as
                                                                                                weights, jersey numbers, names, and  addresses  of
                                                                                                players.  The project was designed by  Teacher  Judy
                   BUSineSS ~~Ivey(TedGra~ham).  ~
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