Page 153 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 153
your mind about business
"The classes have "We tried to "The smaUer
shown me how to implement basic classes helped me
express myself." knowledge and skills to learn a little
Senior Dave Lazio necessary for a more easily."
business backround." Junior Bret
, Teacher Janis Mullins Uptagraft
oing Beyond
Business as Usual
Debbi Eades
"Challenging .. . Informative ... lm- As far as the business f9-culty was
pressive." This was how the businesses concerned, Lazio said, "The teacher really
courses were described by many future got the message across. We could learn
businessmen and women enrolled. Every- from him." Accounting teacher Janis
thing from Typing I to Fashion Merchandis- Mullins said, in relation to what makes the
ing was offered to students. courses special, "There was much more
Even with all the choices many hands on applications in the business
students were still able to find a spot in the classes than in other areas."
pre-business world. "I've planned to go into Computers also played a role in the
commercial art advertising. Business has -furthering of business curriculum. They
just always been intriguing to me," said were used in the typing classes, marketing
Senior Dave Lazio . classes, and many others. Several teach-
In addition, everyone had a differ- ers took advantage of the many Macintosh
ent reason to participate in the classes. "I and IBM programs, in and out of class.
figured, I might as well take business classes Not all business students planned
while they're free," said Junior Charissa to go on to be Chief Executive Officers
Beard . Junior Bret Uptagraft said,"l defi- (CEO) of major corporations. However,
nitely want to learn to manage money. many students ,such as Senior Kim Larson,
Taking business classes prepared me to be had a common goal: "To excel beyond
a better professional in the future." business as usual."
Junior Andrew Holt and classmates share ideas for
their topic in Marketing I( Ted Graham).