Page 161 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 161
SPEAK your mind about competition
"Being a part "When I am "Although
of the forensics team presenting my piece, it competing gives me
and competing every gives me the feeling of an adrenaline rush, I
weekend has given me importance and a sense think the friends I
the communcation of control over the made throughout the
skills that I will need for people in my round years are worth more
my future in the real because of the attention than any trophies or
world." I receive." physical objects."
Senior Lissa Wiebers Sophomore Michelle Senior Kevin Welsh
eam Improves
Communication Skills
- Alice Lin
Forensics was not the "study of were Junior NeKia House and Senior Jana
dead bodies" but rather a competitive speak- Hutchison in Humorous Interpretation; Se-
ing and acting team. niors Anna Bahney and Matt Solberg in
Tournaments were held every Fri- Dramatic Interpretation; Seniors Alice Lin
day or Saturday during the months of No- and Anna Bahney in Original Oratory; Se-
vember through April. Besides the weekly niors Lindsay Miller and Melissa Connell in
invitationals, there were several "big" tour- Duo Interpretation; and Junior Joel Hinsey
naments that students strived for through- and Senior Jason Sharp in Extemporane-
out the season, such as national qualifiers-- ous Speaking.
and/or districts and state. Those students who also qualified for
"When I was freshman, I never the District team were Senior Alice Lin and
thought that I would ever be competing at Sophomore Kerry Welsh in Informative
qualifiers. I guess the past four years was Speaking; Senior Lissa Wiebers and Junior
preparing me for the satisfaction of accom- Allison Harrold in Entertainment Speaking;
plishment that I gained this year," said Se- Junior NeKia House and Senior Tom
nior Kevin Welsh. Dempsey in Poetry Interpretation; and Se-
Those students who competed at niors Matt Solberg, Ryan Bergmann, Lind-
the NFL Qualifying tournament were Junior say Miller, Jana Hutchison, and Melissa
NeKia House and Seniors Ryan Bergmann, Connell in Oral Interpretation of Drama.
Jana Hutchison, and Lindsay Miller in Hu- The team competed in 1641 rounds
morous Interpretation ; Seniors Matt Solberg, thoughout the season with a 50.7% break
Anna Bahney, Lissa Wiebers, and Melissa average. Students won a total of 157 indi-
Connell in Dramatic Interpretation; and vidual event awards and the team won 12
Seniors Alice Lin , Kevin Welsh, Anna sweepstakes awards.
Bahney, and Erin Buell in Original Oratory. All in all , it was "a successful and fun-
Those students who qualified to filled year for the forensics team, " said
compete in the NSAA District tournament Coach Terry Peterson.
Team members usually get help from Coach Terry
Peterson with their presentation style. Sophomore
Karen Lovelace asks Peterson for help on her hand
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