Page 163 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 163
GROWING UP care, I need you. And though I'm Please love me. Not always do
not receptive all the time, give me I love myself. I get mad at the
Please believe in me though I've you another chance to hear and things I do and so
let you down. I don't try to. I'm grow often am my own worst enemy.
young and have still I need your gentleness, soft-
miles that you already have Please be my leader. I need ness, and even your correction.
trudged. Help me to believe in someone to look up tu and learn Please love me.
myself. from. Know that only as time
passes may I really feel your
Please stick by me. Even when I influence. So please don't give up - Dorene Sands
act rebellious and don't sĀ·eem to on me.
- rowing Up
Hard To Do Alone
-Wendy Malesa
Growing up could be a hard thing to anything dealing with friends, parents,
do. Sometimes one needed more than a grades or even a deep dark secret. They
close friend to tell problems to. Sometimes were an important ear to students.
~ one needed someone with more experi- The center also added a new
ence, such as a counselor. School/Community Intervention Pro-
Guidance counselors helped stu- gram, or SCIP, which was in its first year
dents with many things. Every counselor at Millard secondary schools. The
was equipped with a computer last year director was Shelly Boyd, who said ,
for his/her office. "The computer enhanced "The main purpose of this program was
the ability to organize students records; it- to identify students who have a drug or
also made writing letters of recommenda- alcohol problem and help them quit.
tions for students a lot easier." said Coun- SCIP personnel found the reason for
selor Wayne Fowler. Choosing a college the problem, and then gave the parents
was an important decision in a student's and student support. Any one with
life,and a counselor made sure that one concerns could recommend a student to
made the correct choice. the program. "Everything from the
Counselors were there too for stu- beginning to the end was confidential.
dents to talk about anything that was on The only people who knew was the
their mind . Things that were said to a student and counselors. I wished that
counselor were kept confidental; this was morestudents knewabouttheprogram,"
why students could tell the counselors said Boyd.
Counselor Sue Cropper consults with a student about
These computers were used to keep better records '
after graduation plans. Most applications had to be
filled out before second semester. (Jon Waller)
. "
Conselor Joe Caruso is pulling down the menu on the
new computers that were given to the counselors.
and help type letters of recommendations for students.
(Alex Ghali)