Page 165 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 165

SPEAK your  mind  on Home Ec

                        "Everyday Living is                "I   felt    Child                       "I  took Interior
                     great because we cover               Development was very                    Design to decide if I
                     a lot of different topics            important not only for                  wanted to become an
                     about everyday life."                credits, but  for  my                   Interio.r Designer.
                      Junior Jaime O'Gara                 future career."                         Which now I know I
                                                          Junior Jolene Lundgren                  do not want to  be."
                                                                                                  Junior Angie Meier

                                                          ld Class
                                                             Becomes  Required

                                                                 -    Natasha Major
                                                Everyday  Living ,  which  this  year  give me the chance to really deal with kids."
                                         became a requirment for students to gradu-     Foods  I and  II  gave  students the
                                         ate,  became a popular class  for students.  oppurtunity  to  experiment  with  different
                                         Junior  Jamie O'Gara said , " Everyday Liv-  recipes  and  find  out  about different nutri-
                                         ing covered a lot of different areas that were   tional  foods.  Senior Wendy Malesa said ,
                                         helpful."  Students had  the chance to  talk  "Foods gave me  the  proper knowledge to
                                         about drugs, death,  relationships, stress,  use in  everyday life. "  For example, Home
                                         and  many other topics.                 Ec  teacher Robin Nelson said, "Students
                                                In Child Development students had   learned to measure and  prepare many dif-
                                         the  chance  to  deal  one-on-one  with  chil- Jerent  foods. "
                                         dren.  Junior Dawn Warick said,  "Some-        In  Adult Living  students covered a
                                         times  the  kids  would  do  the  most  unex-  wide  varity  of  topics.  lndepel)dent living ,
                                         pected things.  Child Development sure did   dating, preparation for marriage and  other
                                                                                 related topics were covered.  Junior Angie
                                                                                 Meier said , "Adult  Living  really  gave  me
                                                                                 some  interesting information about every-
                                                                                 day life."
                                                                                        The Home Ec department did have
                                                                                 its Home Ec Boutique again. All  the money
                                                                                 raised  at that  event was  all  donated  to  a
                                                                                 scholarship.  That scholarship presented at
                                                                                 Honors Night, then went to a student going
                                                                                 into the field.

   Senior Rebecca  Wandel expresses her feelings about   Junior Courtney Louis   experiments  with  baby
   the  baby food just tried  in Child Development.  (Ted   food in Child  Development. (Ted  Graham)
   Graham) .

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