Page 159 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 159
SPEAK your mind about foreign languages
"I would like to learn "I would learn Dutch if "I would take
Chinese so I'd know it was available because Spanish because I
what I was ordering at I like the little wooden would like to travel
Chinese restaurants." shoes they wear." to Spanish speaking
Sophomore Sophomore countries someday."
Andrew Ketteler Sarah Turner Freshman
Cory Nelson
Languages Fun
- Angie Meier
Learning a foreign language was a was important to learn another language."
way for students to experience other cui - The advanced Spanish, French , and
tures while expanding knowledge of their German classes went to Millard elemen-
own. Sophomore Sarah Turner said , " I tary schools to teach the languages to the
wanted to immerse myself in other students. They taught about once a week.
cultures,so I could learn about them." Senior Mike Stott said , "I had a great time
Latin , Spanish, French , German, and with the little kids. It was fun helping them
Japanese were offered. The decision of learn things they normally wouldn't. "
which language to take was difficult , with - Whatever language one took, learn-
such a selection. Senior Natasha Major ing that language expanded one's hori-
said , "I took Spanish because I thought it zons, and helped prepare for the future.
French teacher Scott Butler works at his desk in th e
foreign language planning area preparing lesson
plans for the day's classes. (Heather Deffenbaugh)
German teacher Duane Johnson translates a story
from the textbook for his first hour German class. ' - I "
(Heather Deffenbaugh) '