Page 162 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 162
edia Center
Sophmore Greg Schulte looks through the reference
High- Tech Area section to help him write an English report.
(Jon Waller)
-Wendy Malesa
New technology in the media cen- laser disc player combined with the LCD
ter made it easier and more accessible for panels allowed teachers to use their com-
teachers and students. puters to create multi-media in their class-
For example, the DYNIX an elec- rooms .
tronic card catalogue linked up all the librar- Media specialist Kim Vawter
ies in the Millard school District so the launched a new video message board
district could share resources. The pro- which was located in the administration
gram was proposed by Dr. Dick Corwine, office and student messages were shown
head of the Media Service. on four wall- mounted T.V. screens. This
Millard foundation was responsible replaced the 2nd and 7th hour
for the EIKA projection system which al- announcments.
lowed several classes to view the same INTERNET was also added. This is
video in a theater like atmosphere. a messge network that contains the most
Three new T.V.N.C.R. combina- current information about libraries from
tions were purchased by the building tech- UNO and UNL.
nology committee. This brought the count "These advancements helped get
of combination sets to 27. Also, four new information to students faster in an at-
LCD (liquid crystal display) computer pro-- tempt to tap into other resources beyond
jection panels,three black and white and Millard North , " said Media Specialist Kim
one color were purchased. A bar code and Vawter.
Freshmen Scott VanDyke and Special Ed teacher
I Cathy Clare look up books for a research paper on
planets.( Alex Ghali)
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I Audio Visual teacher Kim Vawter stands by a new
video message board located in the administration
office, and will provide important information and
messages to students all day. (Alex Ghali)