Page 171 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 171

SPEAK  your mind about journalism

                      "Deadlines are hard                   "People think it is easy                "Deadlines?  What
                      to meet, but they                     to be a photographer,                   are deadlines?"
                      make you get the                      but  it  is  actually                   Senior Ryan Lethe  by
                      work done as well as                  complicated learning
                      you can."                             about the  technical
                      Junior Ashley Pixton                  aspects of  the dark
                                                            Andy Katzman



                                                                     -   Jenny Winkler
                                                  Deadlines,  deadlines,  deadlines!   backed up  and copies were printed, an  all-
                                           Life  around the journalism room was hectic  new deadline rolled  around.
                                           all  of  the  time  due  to  the  never ending   Advisor  Sheila  Pedersen  was  a
                                           deadlines  of  yearbook,  newspaper,  and   necessary link to the three staffs.  Students
                                           photography staffs.  Although  the  stress  found it crucial to seek advice and computer
                                           and  anxiety  could  get overwhelming, the   or camera expertise.  Without the  help of
                                           rewards were well  worth the effort.   Pedersen, the editors from newspaper and
                                                  Each staff was kept busy throughout   yearbook would be  left to  motivate others
                                           the year. Photographers' assignments were   on their own.  Newspaper Co-Editor Jamie
                                           constant with  the  demands of newspaper  Clanton said, "As  an  editor, it  is  hardest
                                           and  yearbook.  Co-Chief Jon Waller said ,  trying  to  get  everyone motivated to  meet
                                           "Photography  takes  a  lot  of  extra  time,- deadlines on  time."  Yearbook Co-Editor
                                           creativity, and  patience to  truly do  a good   Jill Hoover said, "With  disk corrections on
                                           job."                                  top of  a final  deadline,  we  were doing so
                                                  The newspaper came out monthly,  many  things at  once that confusion  was
                                           and staff members were pressured to reach   inevitable."
                                           final  layout  with  a  minimum  amount  of   To see an  original work published
                                           mistakes in  copy.  Keeping  up  on  current  was  the  greatest accomplishment of  a
                                           events and finding new sources was always  journalist.  Whether it  was a photograph of
                                           a challenge.                           Varsity Volleyball at State, the cover  story of
                                                  Yearbook  was       extremely  the newspaper, or the opening spreads of
                                           demanding  as  well,  with  spread  the  yearbook, the  journalists all  shared a
     Being  an  Editor for the newspaper was not on  easy  assignments,  continuing  elements,  and   common  bond:  make  it  through  until  the
     job. Not  only did Senior Jamie Clanton have to worry   proof corrections.  By the  time disks were   next deadline!
     about  her  own  pages, she had  to  help put  together
     the  whole  issue of the Hoofbeat as well.
     (Sheila  Pedersen )

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