Page 170 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 170

Senior Jon Waller and  Sophomore Ted Graham sort
                  film  to  be  given  to  other photographers.  Although
                  deadlines  were  tight,  photographers  had  to  take
                  adequate  pictures  in  order  to  get  points  for  the
                  assignments.  (Sheila  Pedersen)

                   Pictures had to be  printed on  time for the newspaper
                   and yearbook staffs.  If the prints were too light or too
                   dark, they  usually  had  to  be  printed over.  Senior
                   Matt  Shiffermiller  processes  a  print  by  running  it
                   through the fixer  chemical.  (Sheila  Pedersen)
                  The  stress of  deadlines added  up  when  last  minute
                   corrections  had  to  be  made.  Yearbook  editors  Jill
                   Hoover and  Jenny Winkler go  over a spread  on  the
                   new 19-inch computer to look for errors before printing.
                   (Sheila Pedersen)

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