Page 175 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 175
about which words best describe P.E.
"Making up sick "Easy Credits." pain."
days." Senior Jon Waller SeniorAmy
Senior Jenny Hoscheid
- Wendy Malesa
Running here and there, running tunes.
everywhere, Running for miles on end
Moving a ball all around a square. Only to hear your coach yell ,
Dancing until one can't dance "Drop down and give me ten! "
any more, Splishing, splashing, jumping
Lifting weights as one is told to in the air,
do, Catching a pop fly at the end of
Can bring on sore muscles that the year,
only Ben-Gay can undo. Joyfully walking to the locker
Laughing, sweating, screaming, rooms,
Blisters from your new tennis Boys all sweat and girls all
shoes, glow,
Tripping, falling, skinning your Soon one hears dryers and
knees. smells cologne.
Trying to give life to a dummy Students will start to appear
Isn 't always funny. and one will hear,"Willl ever be
Dancing in lines to one's favorite able to get out of here?"
A Freshmen P.E. class practices their lay-ups before
competeing among each other. (Nicole Collier)
hwas essential to learn the basics of playing badminton
for the freshmen P.E. classes. Once the rules were
learned, matches could begin to be played.
(Nicole Collier) ...