Page 173 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 173
SPEAK your mind about math challenges
"Graphing "The hardest
Trig functions - they thing forme was turning "The thing
were so hard to do." my homework in on that was most
Senior Amy Mitchell time." difficult for me
Senior Tracy Sperry would have to had
been homework. I
hated homework!"
Junior Chris Hix
Vital To Learning
- Dana King
Walking through a department Armiger said that when she had a lot of
store, I noticed a sale rack so I looked things to add , the calculator did itfasterthan
through it. I noticed a really cute dress for she could . Also, Armiger liked using graph-
only $56 plus 30% off. So I whipped out my ing calculators because it allowed her to get
calculator and quickly figured out I'd get her graphs done quicker.
$16.80 off the dress. However, there were some stu-
My mom starred at me and said dents that weren't quite so dependent on
with disgust, "Can't you figure that out in their calculators. Sophomore Mike Dodd
your head?" I just said it was quicker this_ only used his calculator for math two or
way and didn't think anything else about it, three times a week to get his work done. "I
or did I? Are people becoming too reliant on didn't use it once this year because I'm in a
their calculators? Maybe so. geometry class," said Freshman Josh
"I couldn't do anything without it," O'Donnell. This was similar to Sophomore
was Senior Heather Halls response about Zach King 's situation, but he used it once a
her calculator. quarter to average out his grades.
Seniors Rob Lafave and Becky Then there were people who didn't
Barrett both used their calculators every- have a math class for this year like Senior
day. "I used it everyday for two or three Natalie Smothers. "I use it once a month
classes, and I would have been lost without for balancing my checkbook," said Smoth-
it," Barrett said. ers.
Some students needed calculators However, the majority of students
Math teacher Jeff Pulverenti explains a section to hi s for specific things in certain classes. "I'd used their calculators everyday. Calcula-
class so they might understand everything for their have failed calculus without my calculator," tors were slowly taking away the "old-fash-
homework assignment. (Dana Zucker) said Senior Tera Hocevar. Junior Tracy ioned" paper and pencil method.
Huddled around a graphing calculator, Seniors Kevin
1 Ridley, Chris Hesse, and Molly Andersen try to figure
out a graph together in Mr. Thomas's Algebra V class.
(Melanie Goddard)