Page 167 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 167

SPEAK  your mind about industrial arts

                      "I thought it would be                "I  enjoy  this  class                  "I  enjoyed  the
                      an  easy class, and  I                because, lwill  use what                people. They were a
                      ended up enjoying it a                I'm learning in the future."            lot of fun, but I don't
                      lot."                                 Junior Chris Clay                       think that I will use
                      Senior Kim Tevis                                                              this in the future."

                                                              ands  On  Training

                                                                Beneficial                          1              1

                                                                       -    Wendy  Malesa

                                               Taking Industrial Arts classes meant   Dawn Lewis.
                                           there would be  plenty of hands on  training   Each student who was enrolled in
                                           for real  life skills.                 the  metals  classes  were  challenged  to
                                                  The drafting class offered  advanced   choose a project and have it completed by
                                           drafting  students a chance to  design their  the end of the year. Many students choose
                                           own homes. They did this on  the computer  to   make  a workbench.  However, the
                                           program  called  Auto  Capp. The  students  woods students were taught how to com-
                                           were asked to  be  so detailed that they had   plete a  miniature sized doll house by the
                                           to  put in  where the light sockets were to be  - end  of the semester.  Also, the  electrical
                                           placed .  "I was  interested in  going into the   students concentrated on  safety and wir-
                                           architecture field .  After I got into the  draft-  ing.
                                           ing class,  I found that it was good for me to   Students faced  challenges in  their
                                           know what I was getting into,"  said Senior  industrial arts classes.

     Juni or Jason Moran  works on the drill press which will
     help him make the bottom half of his work bench. (Mike
     Industrial  arts  students in  the welding class learn the
     correct  procedures for closing up  metal seams .
     . (Heather  Deffeubach)

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