Page 177 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 177
your mind about dissections
"I think that dissection is
interesting and I enjoy "I think that dissections "On the days we did
are cool, because I thinik
learning about animals. I that it is interesting to dissections we didn't
do not believe that people learn about the insides of take notes so a lot of
should be able to take the different animals. I feel people liked them. It
class without having to do that a future field trip to was sick seeing ali
dissections, if they do not the bugs in the frogs
want to. " the morge should be stomach though."
Junior Paul Whitworth Senior Bryan Vannoy Sophomore Nicole
- Jolene Lundgren
... Excitement and new smell , the science department would have
. .
•• ~ tl ., learning were all part of science in a killed me, " said Johnston. As a result, all
. . most unusual way . of the other rats not used were sent back to the
. '
' One incident which kept pet shop.
teachers especially on their toes was the Another occurrence that had the stu-
escape of a rat. "The Houdini of Rats" as dent body talking was the gas leak that took
Teacher Jim Johnston called it, es- place in one of the 11-12 science classrooms
caped from its cage and was living within after fourth hour. One of the gas jets was
the science office. Johnston said that the accidently left on, so the gas filled the 11/12
rat was living behind a sink and would "Side causing students and staff to be evacu-
travel through drawers and cabinets, freely ated from that side of the building during fifth
roaming. How did Houdini get food? He and sixth hours. Due to the quick action of
would steal it from the other rats, whose the teachers and administrators, school re-
food went on top of their cages, and build sumed seventh hour after the fire marshall's
his own stockpiles in little places behind inspection.
books and next to boxes. Other kinds of excitement were also
For three weeks the science evident in the department. Physics students
teachers tried to catch Houdini with live were able to take home "dummy" computers,
I traps. One day Johnston cornered him thanks to U.S. West, and access programs via
behind a refrigerator, and he said he
a phone modem from their homes. "It made
.... possibly injured the rat in the process. physics more exciting to study at home be-
Sophomore Austin Riley works on an assignment Thus Houdini found a resting place in the cause you didn't have to spend your time
in his second hour Chemistry class. (Ted Graham) pipes of the science office and died. To looking through books and notes," said Se-
camouflage the smell Johnston sprayed nior Heath Taylor.
Chlorox in the pipes until a custodian With these kinds of advancements
removed the carcass and disposed of the and exciting incidents, students still managed
rat's body. " If I hadn't gotten rid of the to reap the benefits of real applied learning.