Page 181 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 181

                               your mind about vocal music

                      "I liked the different                 "I  felt the class was                    "I took vocal
                    variety of songs wewere               very cultural."                         music  because I
                    able to sing."                        Freshman     Erica                      knew it  would be
                    Freshman Emily Diehl                  Schneider                               easy credits."
                                                                                                  Freshman Melissa

                                                              usic More

                                                               Than  Singing

                                                                     -    Dana  King

                                                The  chorus  classes  were  about  However, ones that were  gifted with  good
                                        more  than  just singing , but  also  learning   voices tried  out for the  Swing  Choir, Ne-
                                        more  about  music  and  its  dynamics.  In   braska  Wesleyan  Honor Choir,  Hastings
                                        these  classes,  one  learned  how  to  find   Honor Choir, District Contest, school plays/
                                        pitches, use a better voice, and most impor-  musicals, and the National Anthem singing
                                        tantly understanding the music and all of its   at basketball games.
                                        signs.                                        "Swing  Choir practice in  the  morn-
                                                "I liked the chance to sing everyday  ings  was  hard  to  get up  for, but  once we
                                         because it was my favorite thing to do," said   were  there  learning  all  the  dances  and
                                        Junior Alison Harrold.                  aongs , after a while, it was all  worth while ,"
                                                Junior Steve Cacioppo added,  said  Senior Ryan Bergmann.
                                         "Music class was  a way to  kick  back and    The  extra activities gav.e  students
                                         have  a  fun  and  relaxed  class  during  the   a  chance  to  get more  involved  in  music.
                                         day."                                  Many  groups  performed  throughout  the
                                                The good  thing about most of  the   Metro  area,  besides  school  music  con-
                                         classes  is  that  no  one  had  to  try  out.   certs.  Because of this, the music oppor:tu-
                                         Anyone  who  did  not have  the  best  voice   nities  available allowed many students to
                                         could  still  have  the  opportunity to  sing.   show their talent and to  have fun .

       Ryan Bergmann, Ryan Horner, Mike Howland,
      with  the  MN  All-State choir,  enjoy  perform ing
      a concert given for parents and fri ends. (Michelle

       the concert  choi rs into sections helped vocal
       Cindy  Nabity  hear each  group  si ng  parts
       Concert Choir 10 joins Nabity at th e piano to
     a softer piece of music. (Mike Sandoval)
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