Page 179 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 179

          PEAK your  mind  about historical people

                         "I admire Sandra                       "I think Sigmund                        "I admire,
                      Day O'Connor                          Freud is the person I                   among others,
                      because she had a                     most admire because                     Abraham Lincoln
                      tremendous influence                  he had weird and                        because he helped
                      on women and their                    revolutionary ideas."                   people strive for
                      role in the                           Senior Scott Renard                     equality even
                      government."                                                                  though he didn't
                      Junior KeUy  Kisicki                                                          necessarily believe
                                                                                                    in it."
                                                                                                    Junior NicoUe

                                                        ssons  Are


                                                                        -Jennifer David

                                                  The  study  of  the  mind ,  religion ,  in  social  studies classes.
                                           government, and  cultures .. . Social  Studies   Many specific ideas were taught, but
                                           encompassed  it  all.  The department con-  many students learned about life in general .
                                           tinued to  offer a wide  range  of  classes to   Sophomore  Mark Shannon said, "Social
                                           please many. Some were required classes;  studies  helped  me  to  deal  with  other
                                           Some were classes students chose to take.  people,  difficult  people."  Junior Andrea
                                           They continued taking higher level classes  Cade said , "I learned not to  be  late to  Mr.
                                           producing  great  historical  memories  and   Salberg's class!"
                                           preparing them for their future.                 Cumberland  remembered  En-
                                                  Students  said  that  social  studies- glish/DOA  block  her  sophomore  year, "It
                                           taught them  a lot.  "I learned how our gov-  was fun  being the first class because every-
                                           ernment works and how we work with other  one  tried  really  hard  to  make  it  work. "
                                           countries,"  said Junior Kelly Kisicki. Jun-  Kisicki  remembered acting as Chitakawas,
                                           ior  Nicolle Cumberland said,  "I  learned   when  each  student  became  an  historical
                                           about our culture and  how to  improve our  figure by dressing like him or her and giving
                                           future by  learning about the past. "   a speech as  that person .
                                                  Confronting  the  future  was  a  big   Therefore,  social  studies  taught
                                           issue  covered  in   some  classes.  The   students about history and  society.  More
                                           Presidential election, situations in  Somalia,  memorable though were the lessons about
                                           and  Saddam Hussein's continuing threats   life  that  students would  remember for the
                                           were among other current events discussed   future.

     Senio r Tim  Vint  learn s to  depend  on  other people as
     senior  Kare n Cunningham leads him around the school
     for their  IBS class. (Jon Waller)

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