Page 186 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 186

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                        Unity Propels Team to State

                         If awake and at  school                        Jill Hoover                      work put in  by the team  even
                 at  5:45  am  on  every  Monday  Grafentin.  Three  players  fin-  Individual successes  through the early mornings and
                 and Wednesday, one might no-  ished the season as the top three   came  within  the  successes of  then again after school. The 10
                 tice the morning practice of the   Season  "Dig"  save  leaders  in   the  team.  The team  achieved  players made the season what
                 Varsity Volleyball Team.  Dur-  MN  Volleyball  history:  Senior  more than  expected.  "  It  was  it  was.  "Each player made  an
                 ing  these  practices,  through  Kelly Monico,  Junior Jane   thought that our year was just a  effort not only to get along  on
                 jump training and weight lifting   Winkel,  and  Senior Katie   rebuilding year after last, but we   the floor, but off it  as  well.  We
                 the team concentrated on  de-  Glorvick.  Winkel  broke  the   seniors  each  had  a  role  and   planned  many  events  ("team
                 veloping  its  skills  to  make  its   record for a Career Best in  "As-  pulled the team together to pro-  bonding")  as a team, including
                 quest for a season of hard work,   sist Blocks" ,and  broke the   duce a 24-8 season,"  said Se-  going out after a game or just
                 fun,  and goal  achievement.   records for Season Highs in "To-  nior Katie Glorvick.  Highlights  spending  the  night  at
                         The  team's  main  tal  Blocks" and "Assist Blocks".   of the season were the Molten's  someone's house together. We
                 strength was the unity it  devel-  She was also named to  the All   Championship in  Chicago,  IL,  made sure to strive for the  best
                 oped.  "Each player worked for  Nebraska and  All  State Volley-  finishing 4-1, finishing second in   season and the best of times !"
                 the  team  not  for  herself.  ball  teams.                Metro,  runner-up  in  Districts,  said Glorvick.
                  Granted  each  had  individual      Along  with  the  defen-  making  it  to  the  semifinals of   Through  support for one
                  goals, but the team's unity was   sive  records broken, two play-  State,  and  finishing  with  final   and another and  through  co-
                  what made it successful,"  said   ers were among the top three in   ranking of fifth  in  the  state with   operation, the team succeeded
                  Coach  Deb  Grafentin.  This  offensive Season Highs in  MN   an  overall record of 24-8.  With   and could not be disappointed
                  was  showp  by  the  defensive  history,   Senior  Tonya   three of  those  losses being  to   by the season  it  had .  " This
                  achievements the team made.   Wingender- third in "Set Assists,"   the State Champions, Bellevue  was one of the most enjoyable
                  "This team ranks with the best   and Winkel second in  "Total At-  West.                seasons I've ever had at MN,"
                  ever at MN  defensively,"  said   tacks".  -                     One could see the hard   said Grafentin.

                 Varsity Volleyball: Front: Katie
                 Glorvick, Wendy Wheeler, Jane Winkel,
                 Heather Beasley, Jennifer Eck; back:
                 Coach Deb Grafentin, Michelle Cadmus,
                 Kelly  Monico,  Allison  Miller,  Tonya
                 Wingender, Jamie Shafer.
                 (Jack Martin Photography)

                 Every  game the  team  had  faithful
                 supporters in  the  stands- the  parents!   24-8 finish. During a close game against
                 All he State game against Bellevue West   Bellevue East, she tells them the points
                 they show off their spirit with  hats and   to  work on .  The  Mustangs won  9-15,
                 pom- poms.  ( Jon  Waller)    15-12, 15-12.  ( Matt Shiffermiller)
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