Page 189 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 189

Fresm en  Michelle Reinke,  Melissa
     Harm , Emily Diehl , Shannon Haas, and
     Francesca  Gasparini take time out from
     the game.  ( Michelle Cadmus)
     Freshman  Kim  Easdale spikes the
     ball  while  #15  Tanisha Avery backs
     her  up.(  Michlle Cadmus)

                                  Team. WorksTogether

                                                               --Jolene Lundgren
                                        The Freshman Volleyball   man  Michelle Reinke  said,"  1  couldn't defeat before.  That
                                   Team ended  its  season at  5-  thought  we  worked  together  gave them  confidence for the
                                   11  for the "A" team and 5-8 for  very  well  as  a  team .  If  one   rest of the season.
                                   the  "8" team.              player  did  something  wrong,    Siemens said,  "Even
                                        Coach  Laura  Siemens  then  she  would  get  down  on   though we didn't play that badly
                                   said the  team learned  many  herself , and  that would  affect  as  a  team,  we   could  have
                                   new skills over the  course of   how  the  team  played.  Basi-  played better.  There were a lot
                                   the season and learned much   cally, we  were a good team."   of very good individuals. If they
                                   more about volleyball.           One  of the successes of  are put  on  the  right  team  with
                                        Working  together was  the  season  showect when  the   the  right  people,  they  will  be
                                   important on this team . Fresh-  team  had  beaten teams that it   very successful."

                                                          'fit~'""  .. 4 I

                                                                                             Freshman Volleyball: Front· Michell e  Rei nke,
                                                                                             Gretchen Ballard , Michelle Weber, Annie Bitsos, Nicole
                                                                                             Bartosh, Kim  Easdale, Brooke  Praler;  second row·
                                                                                             Theresa  Koslrunek,  Kris  Wood ,  Lacy  Olson ,  Sara
                                                                                             Kuncailis,  Saige  Arvantis,  Kelli  Fischbach ,  Katie
               Frosh V-Ball                                                                      • • • • • • • • • • • •
                                                                                             Grosskopf;  back· Coach  Kari  Posse hl,  Fran cesca
                                                                                             Gasparini,  Shannon  Haas, Tanisha  Avery ,  Coach
                                                                                             LauraSiemons(Jack Martin Photography)
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