Page 188 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 188
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Team. Ends Season
On Winning Edge
- Jolene Lundgren
The JV Volleyball Team around in time. We had a
might have been off to a shaky great team this year."
start, but its members were The veteran players had
confident, nevertheless. been very supportive, said
The team played its Sophomore Jackie Landa .
first match against Lincoln "The second year players re-
High and lost 15-10, 15-17. ally helped us by working on
Sophomore Joy specific skills. ," Landa said
Hottovy, who was on the that things did get better. "We
Sophomore Jackie Peterson returns the team last year said, "We had a good attitude. I think we
ball by using the bump/set/ spike started off a little rocky, but I had a very good year," she
technique .( Matt Shiffermillet') had a feeling we would come said.
Junior Varsity Volleyball:front-Joy
Hottovy, Beckey Karpan , Heidi Taggart,
Megan Proplesch, Jackie Peterson,
Jackie Landa; back- Jenny Cadmus,
Jenny Failla, Molly Auromovich , Whitney
Tracy Erinn Officer, Jessica Oates,
Coach Leigh Officer (Jack Martin
Showing their work as a team
junior varisty players cheer each othe r
on as they rotate . ( Allison Becker)
J.V. V -Ball • • • • • • • • • • • •