Page 190 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 190
Team-vv-ork Pays Off
- Ashley Pixton
Despite that Gymnas- tween now and the 1993 sea- hard and helped each other
tics could have been taken son we won 't have to worry out," said Junior Kim Eastep.
away as an interscholastic about the Millard School Board The Girls team also had 4 new
sport, the Girls and Boys had a taking gymnastics away, as a freshman that helped add di-
successful season. sport, from the District." versity and balance. The Boys Senior Lisa Bedel practices on the bear
Because of the efforts of After overcoming the team moved to a higher level afterschool whil e Junior Kim Easte
watches. (Allison Becker)
coaches, gymnasts, and par- problem with the school board, of competion during the sea-
ents gymnastics remained a the Girls had a perfect record 7- son. Sophomore Seth
sanctioned sport. Over the 0, and the Boys made an im- Silberstein said , "Our team
summer the school board ques- provement from last year to end learned new techniques that
tioned its merit as a sanctioned the season with a 3-4 record . has really helped our perfor-
sport, but decided it would stay The Girls success was attrib- mance. We've done a lot bet-
sanctioned. Coach Ric uted to teamwork. "We worked ter than last year. " Both teams
Heineman said "Hopefully be- well as a team. We practiced used that technique to improve.
Gymnastics: front-Emily Delashmutt,
Sarah Skinner, Nicki VanDeursen,
Collette Rhinehart, Lyndsey Kalis;
second row- Jennifer Orcutt, Candi
Anstaett, Jill Latoza, Kim Eastep, Lisa
Bedel , Majorie Huff, Chrissy Pohl ; back-
Chad Richter, Matt Thurber, Seth
Silberstein , Eric Park , Aaron Rhoda ,
Brian Scherbring, Jay Roth, Chad
Thompson, Dave Koenig , Matt Wilson ,
Tony Leahy, Justin Smith.
(Jack Martin Phptography)
Sophomore Matt Wilson performs his
routine on the parallel bars at the Papio
Invite. The Boys won fifth place with
107.30 points. (Heather Gambrel)