Page 192 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 192

ustangs Show-Big Heart

                                                                  -  Kyle Marler
                        The  Varsity  Football  but  mentally  drained",  Senior   attempt  a  50-yard  field  goal,   In the final game  of the
                 Team ended the season with a  James Randels said.          which fell  short.  This loss ru-  season the team played  host to
                 meager  4-5  record ,  but  one    The chemistry the team   ined any chances of a playoff  the Monarchs.  After trailing  by
                 would  have  to  have  looked  had  hoped for was not there in   bid.  "After the  Bellevue East   17 points at halftime, the  team
                 deeper into  the  team  and  its   their week three game against   loss, lots of  people wanted to   made  a  fourth  quarter  come-
                 year.                       Omaha Creighton  Prep .  The   play as individuals or just give   back, but fell  short of an  upset
                        Going into the '92  sea-  Mustangs could do no right , los-  up,  but  our  coaches  would  by five  points.
                 son the Mustangs had set high   ing  by  a landslide.      never  let  that  happen,  and  I    According  to  defen-
                 goals  and  had  high  hopes for   With six games left, the   think it  showed  in  our strong  sive ends coach Mark Chavez ,
                 the upcoming season. The first   team still  held  hopes of a State   showing the last two games,"   who said ,"This team was a bet-
                 two games were not to  be  so   playoff bid.  They finally got on   Senior Tyler Brickell said.   ter team  than  their  record
                 kind to them. They lost the first  the  right  track by winning  their   With two weeks left in   showed;  it was a team made up
                 game to preseason #7 Lincoln   next three barnes over Ralston,   the season, the Mustangs still   of  not  only  talent,  but  heart.
                 High in  overtime.  The second   Omaha  Bryan,  and  C.B.  Tho-  had  a  chance  at  a  winning  After being  knocked  down  so
                 loss came  at  the  hands of #4   mas Jefferson.           record; it  would  not be  easy.  many times, they  always  had
                 and  cross-town  rival  Millard    The  Mustangs next      These  last  two  games  were  the heart to get up and get after
                 South in a heartbreaking 19-17  game  put  them  on  the  road   against  Omaha South #1 0 and   people.  This effort showed  in
                 loss.  "With  all  of the  ups and   against  Bellevue  East.   After   Papio/LaVista #2.  The  Mus-  having  been  the  fifth  best  of-
                 downs in  the first two games,  leading the game for three quar-  tangs stuck it to the  Packers,  fense and seventh best defense
                 we  becam~  not only physically  ters,  the  team  was  forced  to   winning by  four touchdowns.   in  the Metro."

                Varstiy Football: front-Nick Briganti ,
                Don Briganti , Adam Bealle , Bob Correa,
                Jason Brown , Todd Doxzon , Zach Carle,
                Jon Waller, Matt Ferguson, Gary Smith;
                second row-Marc Harris, Ryan  Flynn,
                Craig Vanis , Chriss Hesse, Chad Baker,
                Troy Stortz , Aaron Steele, Wes Russell ,
                Scott  Franco,  Mike  Hansen,  Jeff
                Armitage ;  third row- Matt  topping,
                Sam Corbitt, Jeff Vaughn , Matt Phillips,
                Tyler Brickell, Jon Hursh, Tom Gibson,
                Drew  Kelley,  Chad  Safranek,  Kyle
                Marler;  fourth row- Brian  Stevens,
                John Weiand, Phil  Milone,  Steve  Shin,
                Jason  Sharp,  Jesse  Gibson,  Dennis
                Billings , Corey Johnson, Justin Fletcher,
                Marc Rabe , Eric Stoltzmann; fifth row-
                Brandon  Larson,  Matt  Haney,  Bret
                Uptagraft,  Ryan  Rasmusson,  Ben
                Grojean, John  Miller, Charles  Morrill ,
                Brad  lvener,  Shane  Petersen ,  Brian
                Ziepke, James  Randels ;  sixth row-
                Student Trainer Chad  Schumann,
                Student Trainer Jami Rossitto , Student
                Trainer  Jodi  Fougeron ,  Mike  Duffek,
                Tim  Maxwell,  Steve  Smith,  Jason
                Ingram,  Manager Carrie  Myers,
                Manager Juli  Prine , Un  Hwa Running;
                back- Coaches Chip  Bahe,  Greg
                Doeschot, Jon  Lopez,  Mark  Chavez,
                Dale  Zabrocki , Fred  Petito, and  Kevin
                Koch .  (Jack Martin Photography)

                All-State  quarterback, #7 Senior Todd
                Doxzon , looks  down  field  for an  open
                receiver while  #58  Junior Jon  Weiand
                tries  to  help  out  by  blocking  a Lincoln
                High  Link .  (Alex Herr)
                Looking  over  the  opposing teams
                defensive set, #7  Senior Todd  Doxzon
                decides  if  he  needs  to  audible  to  a
                different play.  (Alex Herr)
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