Page 22 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 22

Spirit                                                 Permitted  to  wear hats, Juniors  Matt  Thurber  ar
                                                                                                Dave  Gonnion display their favorite teams.  (E1
                                                                                                At the football game, Seniors Ryan  Horner and Pe
                                                                                                Bergquist demonstrate their devotion to school spi
                                                                                                by  painting M Non their chests in  the  school color
                                                                                                (Beth Wood)

                 Sophomores  Jeanette Liu  and  Amy  Chiou  dress in
                 their  pajamas  for  Come  As  You  Are  Day.  (Andy
                 Senior  athletes show their school spirit in  a dance at
                 the Homecoming pep rally.  (Erin Doll)

                  1  8    Spirit Week

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