Page 23 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 23
Helpi ng to build sophomore spirit during Spirit Week,
Sophomores Becky Brownfield, Tara Andresen, Amber
Combs, and Richelle Turnquist cut out decorations for
their area. (Ted Graham)
Junior Frank Godinez and So ph more Dale Barr await
thei r surprise kiss from their mothers at the
Homecoming pep ra lly. (Erin Doll)
k Brings Much School Spirit
hats which we're usually not allowed to man Emily Cochlin said.
wear." Tuesday was a relaxed day as stu- Thursday passed and the class
dents "came as they were." Friends dressed competition ended just in time for all to be
alike on Wednesday for Twin Day. Compe- Mustangs. School Spirit day was Friday to
tition was the theme on Thursday. Each gear up for the big game against Thomas
grade showed its spirit by decorating their Jefferson. Students dressed in blue and
locker section and dressing in its desig- green or wore attire promoting various
nated color. The rivalry between classes Millard North clubs or teams. The spirit
climaxed at the pep rally held that day. shined as the Mustangs defeated T J 33 to
Unlike years past the Homecoming 7. Junior Erin McComb said, "Spirit week
pep rally was held in the morning resulting got everyone pumped up for the game, but
in a larger crowd than usual. Although it lost something by the time Homecoming
-Jennifer David definitely dominated by the seniors, each came." Many agreed that the two-week
class showed spirit and enthusiasm. The time span between the game and the dance
A time of special privileges, a time hour included the usual introduction of se- allowed for much of their school spirit fad-
, show your school spirit, and a time to go nior athletes, senior drill team dance, and ing .
ild. Of course- it was Spirit Week! outbursts of individual class spirit. An ap- Despite the confusion of the exact
Sports Team Day on Monday was pearance by Elvis and several students' dates of the festivities, the events turned out
st the beg inn ing of the festivities. Stu- mothers highlighted the rally making it to be a success. Student Council Advisor
~nts displ ayed their favorite teams on any- unique. Of course one couldn't forget the Dave Buckley said , "Even though the pep
ing from shi rts to socks and most impor- senior pranks on the freshmen. "It wasn't as rally was a disaster, spirit week turned out
ntly - hats ! Junior Steve Cacioppo said, bad as I thought it would be , but the water okay. It went as planned and led into a
loved Sports Day because we could wear balloons and eggs were a little much," Fresh- perfect Homecoming."