Page 21 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 21
Senio r Matt Brown, Al umni Kim Armstro ng , Senior
Junior Regan Ruch te lls a customer the to tal for his Vicky Cass, Seni or Alice Hill , and her boyfri end
Royal Treat sandwich from Little King at Oakview from Prep enjoy a night out and a fast food meal at
Maii.{Michelle Cadmus) McDonalds.(Ted Graham)
Junior Jene Fora I spends some of her weekend hou rs
earning spending money by working at
McDo nalds.(Ted Graham)
Enjoying the weekend, Sophomores Heidi Taggart
and Kate Karragan spend time shopping at Oakview
Maii .{Miche//e Cadmus)
gs Anticipation For Weekend
course, it was the weekend. What was the next day," Senior Karen Tramontozzi
going to be going on? Where were all the said. Others had the freedom of talking on
parties? How were students getting there? the phone later at night, watching more
These questions came up many T.V. , and having a couple of extra days to
times throughout the year. Some students get homework done.
went to sporting events, movies, or fast Weekends were a time to get away
food places. Others went out with their from the everyday stress of schoolwork,
girlfriends or boyfriends to such popular tests, and studying. Sophomore Nick Larma
places as the Old Market. said, "I used my Friday and Saturday nights
Some even ended up not finding to go out with my friends, relax, and not
much of anything to do on certain week- even think about homework ." A lot of the
- Angie Rinker/Jennifer David ends. Junior Kelly Kisicki said, "I drove weekend hours were spent away from home.
around Omaha for about two hours with my Many people had jobs, then went out after-
friends trying to find something to do, but we wards which left little time for anything else
always ended up back at someone's house. " but sleep.
Nothing got more attention than To make time for all of the night life Although the weekends were a
e clock on a Friday afternoon. Students (or lack of it) many students were allowed great opportunity to have fun and go out
tt in antici pation for the clock to strike 3:00 special privileges. Some of these privileges with friends, Monday morning quickly rolled
1d the fin al bell to ring . That bell signified included a later curfew, "I didn't have to be around, the fun activities were over, and it
~edom , or at least two days of it. Of home until 1:00 a.m., and I got to sleep in was back to the books.