Page 196 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 196
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Team Undefeated
- Wendy Malesa
"We can go all the the team with the winning sea- that I went to a school whose
way ," said Sophomore Jon son . "Having a great backfield sophomore team could beat
Jaeckel. That's exactly what and line played an important any team that they ever
theSophomore Football Team role ," said Sophomore Brad faced. " said Sophomore Tim
did this season by going McCoy. "I think playing as a Johnson.
undefeated. whole team helped us a lot in "The games were ex-
Having long, hard making us what we are , and citing to go to and watch ; they
practices every day after school that's what made us go all the were very action -packed.
played a key role in why the way to an undefeated sea- Every win was a great expe-
team did so well . The team son ," said Sophomore Nick rience because it made us all
made marked improvement Larma. gain confidence in each
after their first practice. Winning gave team other, " said Sophomore Ben
Sophomore Boys Football Many things helped members pride. "I'm proud
Team:front- Henk DeBoer, Adam Neuhause.
Wildrick, Cory Nielson, Brian Boell,
Dennis Hukill , Jon Mull , Brad McCoy,
Greg Deines , Mike Vogltanz , John Bode ;
second row-John Kelley , John Jaeckel,
Ken Wood, Marshal King, Monte Smith ,
Brett Carson , Kurt Robinson , JJHoeft,
K.C. Curtis, Trey Crowe, Lee Stultz;
third row-Jon Vavak, Brad Nord, Tom
Brady, Joson Herrington, Brock Blevins,
Nick Larma, Mike Meysenburg, Mike
Gdovic, Brain Paeper, Lance Bailey;
back - Coach Mike Quint, Mark
Muckergeide, Read Wyffelers, Todd
Milller, Chad Alukonis, Brad Eggert,
Matt Peters , Dale Barr, Aaron Adams ,
Dan Olson, Mike Moten, Coach Chuck
Story (Jack Martin Photography)
Millard North defence dominated the
Eagles, as shown here by a forced
fumble. (Alex Herr)
Sophomore Dale Barr picks up a block
from one of his offensive linemen as he
scrambles to pick up some
yardage.(Aiex Herr)
Sop h .. Football