Page 197 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 197
Freshman Greg Williams rushes the ball
in hopes of scoring against the Papillion
Monarchs. (Ted Graham)
Freshman Todd Lammert, experiences
part of the frustration in playing a fast-
paced game. (Dana Zucker)
Freshmen Boys Football Team:
front-Conor Campbell; second row-
Mike Boggs, Scott Van Dyke , Brady
Little, Chris Timmons,Jeff Antonson,
Rich Waters, Klint Kudlacek, John
Witte, Sam McKewon;third row-Todd
Lammert, Adam Miller, John Kilmer,
Yale Thomas, Kyle Deming, Tony
Costello, Tyson Bartlett, Nick Paventi,
Jason Baily, Eric Wattier, Brandon
Luetkenhaus; fourth row-Nick
Wildrick, Corey Stroburg,Ryan Felton,
Nicholas Tesmer, ChrisDeitloff, Tyler
Smith, Ehren Tiedje , Randy Fredericks ,
John Mai, Barry Fleming, Melvyn
Brown, Greg Williams; fifth row- Seth
Liddy, Adam Olesol), Andy Morrow,
Matt Langer, Kevin Coradori, Dusty
Gunderson, Phillip Norlem, Brad
Bailey, Tom Holland, Mark Thompson,
Ryan McGee; sixth row- Tim Deselm,
Team Plays As One Pat Michaei,David Just, Greg Nyffeler,
Jason Nelson, Cory Sinclair, Kyle
Backlund, Jason Smith, Pete Van
- Wendy Malesa Hoose, David Schenk; seventh row-
Leadership played an leadership. I know that the team will do Jim Johannes,Nick Prescott, Todd
important role for the Fresh- Coach Salberg admit- better next year because Morrow, Rick Hughes, Arran Kolbe,
Jamie Skoumai,Jason Vaughn, Tom
men Football Team. Coach ted that the team didn't win on they've had the opportunities Lorenz, Erich Ericksen; back- Coach
Jeff Salberg said that the team the score board, but "we to work together already," said Jeff Salberg, Coach Jeff Alfrey (Jack
was strong and had the ability showed a lot of improvement Senior James Lyda. Martin Photography)
to do great if it would have had both mentally and physically "We started the sea-
strong leadership during the during the whole season." son out slow, butthen we pulled
whole season. The end of the "I watched a couple together and started to work as
l season is when the team of the games, and I saw how a team,"said Freshman Cory
showed all its strength and much the team had improved.
Frosh. Football············
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