Page 200 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 200

A serve can determine who dominates
                                                                                                          that point of the game.  Senior Shane
                                                                                                          Ekdahl power serves to try  to have the
                                                                                                          upper hand on that point.
                 Season. Near Flavvless
                                                                                                          (Derik Hendrickson)

                                                   -    Dana King

                         Only  one  team  sur-  nior  Andy  Glock  agreed  be-  doubles division,  Freshma
                  vived the powerful serving and   cause the team beat teams they   Josh  Evans  and  Sophomor
                  hitting of the Boys' Tennis Team   hadn't beat in nearly eight years.   Brent Fuhrmann placed third
                  during the regular season play.   At  the  end  of the  season,  the   At  State,  Jaworski  receive
                  That  team  was  state  champ  team held a record of nine wins   third  place  in  Number Tw
                  Lincoln East in  the first meet.   and only one loss.      singles division.
                         However,  by  the  end       After the dual matches,       The team  had  a ve
                  of  the  season  they  stomped  Metro and  State brought victo-  successful season said Coac
                  their last three  opponents,  ries to some of the single, double,   John Carol I.  "With a lot of th
                  Omaha South, Omaha Benson ,  and  team  players.  As  a team   seniors leaving, we're going t
                  and Thomas Jefferson, with the   placement at  Metro,  the  boys   have a young team. However
                  same 9-0 score for all three.   received  third  place.   In  the   even the freshmen participate
                         "I  felt  that  the  team  singles  category,  Junior Todd   well  at State, so they will  hav
                  played really well  for this sea-  Jaworski placed  second.  Se-  experience under their belt fo
                  son, and  I hope  the  same or  niors Paul  Sedlacek and  Derik   next year.  I think we  will  d
                  even better for next year,"  said   Wild  ended Metro with  second   extremely well  next year,'
                  Sophomor.e  Zach  King .  Se-  place  in  doubles.  Also  in  the   Caroll said.

                  Boys Tennis:  front- Paul Sedlacek,
                  Shane Ekdahl,  Josh Parilman,  Zach
                  King, Todd Jaworski, Brent Fuhrmann:
                  second  row- Greg  Bolten,  Ed
                  Nadurata, Nathan Anda, Jamie Nelson,
                  Andy Glock, Josh Evans, Coach John
                  Carol! (not pictured- Derik Wild
                  (Jack Martin Photography)

                 Sophomore Zach King begins to follow   Returning a serve meant quick thinking
                 through with his swing to lead himself to   Senior Ed  Nadurata  runs  to  reach  a
                 win all of his dual matches. (Beth Wood)   serve with a forehand hit.
                                               (Derik Hendrickson)
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