Page 198 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 198
Practice Improv-es Game
- Jennifer David
Much time spent chip- challenge for us. " more Kristi Rasgorshek said, placed third and fourth respec
ing, putting, hitting balls, and The players also said "Everybody improved over the tively at Districts. The Varsi
hen practicing some more con- that their inexperience and be- summer by several strokes, and team (McClure, Rasgorshek
tituted last spring and summer ing young put them at a disad- it really showed." Amy Dambrosia, Jennifer David
or the girl golfers. Their hard vantage. "I think the team was The team ended the and Dawn Bender) went to th
ork showed throughout the mentally intimidated by the stron- regular season with a winning State competition in Columbu
eason in helping overcome gerteams that have been around record 5-2 and placed higher in with high expectations sai
any challenges. and have earned a good reputa- several tournaments than last McClure. The team placed elev
One of the biggest chal- tion," Junior Molly McClure year. McClure and Rasgorshek enth, and Rasgorshek won fift
enges the girls faced was being said . The team tried not to let medaled in many competitions place in the individual competi
young team. Again this year, this handicap them too much topped with Rasgorshek win- tion.
here were no senior members though. The team had better ning the Lincoln East tourna- Overcoming man
n the team. The Varsity squad concentration and was able to ment shooting an 87. pressures and challenges, th
as made up of three juniors, a overcome the pressure of the The team placed fourth girls golf team performed well
ophomore, and a freshman. competive teams. The girls at Metro and second at Districts placing in several competitions
oach Paul Sanders said, "Our worked together and improved qualifying them for State. and showing signs of improve
ack of experience really was a over last year's scores. Sopho- McClure and Rasgorshek ment from previous seasons.
Girls Golf front- Stacy Cummings,
Jennifer David, Amanda O'Brien, Dawn
Bender, Kristi Rasgorshek, Amy
Dambrosia; back- Coach Paul Sanders,
Keeley Kenefick, Becky Dodd, Mandy
Vint, Tara Andresen, Molly McClure,
Kelly Williams (Jack Martin Photography)
Freshman Amy Dambrosia tries to keep Concentrating on the ball, Junior Dawn
warm while waiting to tee-off on the next Bender chips her way onto the green.
hole at the State Competition. (Allison Becker)
(Mrs. Sanders)