Page 202 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 202

The Varsity  football  team , led  by  Nick
                and  Don  Briganti,  run  through the  spirit
                banner made by the varsity  cheerleader
                before  their  game  versus  arch  rival
                Millard  South.  (Alex Herr)


                Lincoln High          13-19
                MillardSouth          17-19
                Creighton  Prep        0-28
                Ralston               29-0
                Bryan                 21 -6
                Thomas  Jefferson     34-6
                Bellevue East         14-17
                South                 28-0
                Papio/La  Vista       19-24
                        Won 4  Lost 5
                  J.V. Football                   Gymnastics                       Boys                  Lincoln  East           8th

                Northwest.            14-6    Lincoln SE    138.80-136.8         Tennis                  Westside/Ralston        6th
                Papio                 50-7    Burke         135.5-122.25  Lincoln East              3-6   Metro                  4th
                Burke                 14-13   South  -       134.65-85.55  Central                  6-3   District              2nd
                Central               15-14   Central       138.6-120.50  Papio/LaVista             8-1   State                 11th
                Millard South          0-21   Papio          140.4-70.7     Westside                5-4         Won 5  Lost 2
                Westside              14-7    Ralston       140.05-         Bryan                   9-0
                Creighton  Prep       10-18                  126.05         Bellevue West           6-3     Girls Cross
                Ralston               35 -2   Millard South  143.85-142.9  Thomas Jefferson         9-0
                        Won 6  Lost 2         Invitationals                 Bellevue East           6-3        Country
                     Sophomore                Grand Island            3rd  South                    8-1   Invitationals

                      Football                Ralston                 3rd  Benson                   9-0  Ral ston               1st
                                                                                                         Millard South
                Millard South         12-8    Millard South           3rd  Tournaments              4th  Class of Metro         2nd
                                                                      3rd  Papio
                Creighton  Prep       12-0    Metro                   1st  Millard North           2nd  Lincoln High            6th
                Central               28-0    State                   3rd  Metro                    3rd  Bryan
                Bryan                 14-6           Won 7  Lost 0          State                   6th  Millard North          2nd
                Papio                 27-0                                         Won 9  Lost 1         Metro                  lst
                Thomas Jefferson      35-7             Boys                                                                     1st
                 North                26-7       Gymnastics                                              Districts              1st
                Abraham Lincoln       34-0    Lincoln SE    93.20-110.80        Girls Golf               State                  3rd
                        Won 8  Lost 0         Papio          107.35-                                        Boys Cross
                    Freshman                  Ralston/North/ 115.4-114      Millard South      151-169
                      Football                               108.3          Marian             202-193         Country
                Bellevue East         16-0    Lawerence      111.5-113.6-   Thomas Jefferson  198-240  Invitationals
                Ralston               12-28                  143.9          Bellevue East      238-278  Ralston                 7th
                Benson                28-1 2  Millard South  108.30-        South              151-164  Millard South           6th
                Millard South         12-26                  139.70         Papio              199-204  Class of Metro          2nd
                Gross                  6-16  Invitationals                  Invitationals                Lincoln High           8th
                Creighton  Prep        6-20  Ralston                  6th  Lincoln SE               8th  Bryan                  7th
                 South                42-6    Millard South           6th  Abraham Lincoln          4th  Millard North          4th
                Burke                 34-0    Pap~o                   5th  Norfolk                  9th  Metro                  6th
                        Won 4  Lost 4                Won 3  Lost 4          Duchesne J.V.          12th   Di stricts            4th
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