Page 25 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 25
With lais around their necks, Seniors Doug Halterman,
Tony Reinhart, and Steve Latusick enjoy the Hawaiian
image of the evening with friends. (Rick Billings)
Going in a group offourcouples brings much excitement
to friends. Taking a break from the whole group is
Seniors Kevin Welsh and Alice Lin , Alumni Bill Nervig,
and Sophomore Heidi Gough. (Rick Billings)
Some guys just get it all! Senior Aaron Mann has his
hands full of women during the dance. Senior Ann
Thompson and Sophomore Dacia Knudson do not
seem to mind a bit. (Rick Billings)
Luau Provides True Effects
Students gathered together at feel that they had to. "
"Gnimocemoh Luau" for a night to remem- The Student Council's wish was
ber on Oct. 24. fulfilled. Sophomore Sam Pane said, "I
The Hawaiian theme gave many don't usually like formal stuff, but I had so
opportunities to take advantage of decorat- much fun, especially since we went with
ing the school gymnasium into that image. three other couples."
Pine trees, a fountain with a dock, and a Senior Lindsey Ketteler said, "I
sunset gave the effect of Hawaii. enjoyed just spending the evening with
Student Council was in charge of friends, without a date. It gave me a chance
the organization of the dance. President to look at other good- looking guys without
Jason Sharp said, "This year, we tried to feeling bad ."
make the dance better than it used to be. Homecoming proved to be a smash-
We understood that students come to the ing success. "The Student Council's goal
dance because Homecoming was a tradi- was to provide students with needs and
tion or a big event, not that they really concerns they had. That's why I'm glad
-Alice Lin wanted to. But this year we tried to plan the Homecoming turned out to be such a suc-
dance so students wanted to come, and not cess," said Sharp.