Page 220 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 220

Teant Takes National Honors

                                                                                -    Natasha Major
                                                       Practice, practice, prac- work harder to do well at Nation- cause it  was something we  reĀ·
                                                tice  and  more  practice.  That  als,"  said  Senior  Angie  ally  wanted.  Hearing  Millarc
                                                was  what the  Drill  Team  did  to  Mehsling.  The team practiced  North being announced as  Dril
                                                end the year with a positive and  even more hours everyday. The  Team  National Champions is<
                                                memorable season.            team  left for California on  Feb.  memory  I  will  always  remem
                                                       After a disappointment  27-28  for  National  Drill  Team  ber," said Junior Stacy Andry
                                                of not placing at Metros the Drill  Championships.            All  the  membersagreec
                                                Team  knew  they  had  to  really   The hard work as a team  that  being  National  Drill  Tearr
                                                work  hard  to  have  success  at  all  paid  off  in  the  end.   The  Champions was an  experience
                                                Nationals. "It was frustrating not  team  brought  home  the  First  they wouldl treasurer forever.
                                                placing at Metros; we all thought  Place  National  Championship   "I  have  never felt anythin~
                                                we  deserved better than that.   Trophy.                  more exciting  in  my entire  life ,'
                                                But Metros didn't get us  down;   "I  felt  we  really  pulled to- said  Mehsling.
                                                we  knew we would just have to  gether the  last two months be-

                                               Drill Team front: Julie Dann, Amara
                                               Melonis; second row: Staci  Cooper,
                                               Sara Allen , Carrie Troia, Kadi  George,
                                               Jill Latoza; third row: Denice Carlin,
                                               Angie  Mehsling, Colleen Cooney,
                                               AnneThompson, April  Warford; back:
                                               Andrea Blizzard, Stacey Andry,
                                                Michelle Betta, Not Pictured: Kara
                                               Jones (Deyo Photography)

                                                Sophomore Jill  Latoza shows her
                                               enthusiasm while competing at Metros.
                                                (Sc?tt Clinton)
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