Page 241 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 241
Congratulations to the Journalism Seniors of 1993
Graduating Journal-
' ists: front-Matt
Shiffermiller; second
row- Alex Ghali, Mike
Howland, Jenny
Winkler, Wendy
Malesa , Jenny
McCarthy, Jered Clark;
third row-Alice Lin,
Michelle Cadmus,
1 Kevin Ridley, Dana
King, Debbi Eades,
Jamie Clanton; back-
_Cortney Christensen,
Natasha Major, Kyle
Marler, Jon Waller,
Tim Vint, Jolene
Wakefield (not pic-
tured- Jill Hoover,
Ryan Letheby, Kara
Binderup, Jenny Kros)
Alex Herr
Cortney "I don't look like furball" Christensen
Debbi "No, I'm not a freshman" Eades
Jill "Its globe, not glob and by the way, Duke is better than FSU" Hoover
Dana "Rah! Rah!" King -
Alice "I'll be in the forensics room" Lin
Natasha "Knudsen" Major
Wendy "I maded them myself" Malesa
Kyle "Hit the deck" Marler
Kevin "I know you're my Secret Santa, Wendy" Ridley
Jenny "This is a lecture, so listen up" Winkler
Newspaper Photography
Kara "Don't touch my hair" Binderup Allison "Pea soup" Becker
' Jamie "Country music really IS good" Clanton Michelle "Boy wanna be" Cadmus
Jered "Charlie Ward" Clark Alex "Who could sell snow to Eskimoes" Ghali
Jennifer "I rush, but I get it done" Kros Derik "Piantsucker" Hendrickson
Ryan "It's just Pepsi, honestly" Letheby Matt "Absolut" Shiffermiller
Jenny "Ying my Yang" McCarthy Jon "Wait! I'm over it" Waller
Jolene "Feel the bass!" Wakefield Tim "the mad bomber" Vint
Michael "Swanee" Howland ads 237