Page 244 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 244
Congratulations! It was so Thanks for 18 years of precious
much fun watching you memorie s. Remember the Main
grow. Thing and always know that we
We are so proud of you! love you. Whatever life brings
All our love, you, know that we will always b<
Mom, Steve & Jessica proud of you and are with you al
the way. Love,
Greg Larson Mom and Dac
You grew up to be tall & lean Congratulations!
A little ornery, but not at all mean. We love you,
We love you, & we're proud of xxo
you, son XX
Thanks for all the memories & fun. Mom, Dad
Love, and Randy
Mom &Dad
Buffy Hoy
Julie, Training us , as parents, has been
You always make us proud of all R eally great task for you, from
your accomplishments and even A little baby .... until NOW!
though you may be old enough for S ee! Because of you we are
college, you will always be our I nfinitely more ready to let you g
Julie Bear. Congratulations! Love,
We love you lots, Mom and Dad
Mom, Dad, Paul
and Cracker Jack Trasi Martin
From Formal to Farming
Good Luck, Amy! You always enjoy life.
We're proud of you! Have fun but please study
in college!
Mom, Dad, Brian, and Julie Love from the four of us!
Holly Childress
Good Luck Shay.
We're proud of you! Congratulations!
It won't be the same
Love Ya, without you.
Mom, Dad, Dickey
We love you-
Mom & Stevie
240 parent ads Kelli Sheppard