Page 243 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 243

Jered (#5) ,
                    Your game (life)  is  in  the early innings.     Doug ,
                    Lots of chances to continue your streak
                    (success).  Go for the fences, we  know          Congratulations!
                    you can  reach  them in  any                     Good luck and  lots of love ,
                    park( endeavor).
                    Thanks for all  the RBI's (happiness)            Dad , Mom , Andy, Pam
                    you've given us.
     Jered Clark            Love ,                                                                    Doug  Gerace
                     Mom,  Dad  and Kylie

       Sony Rae ,                                                                Angie,

       Always remember: hotel                                                    Congratulations.  We  are  very  proud  of
       beds, talking  in  your sleep,                                            you.  Hope the professors are  ready  for
       red  socks  make  you  look                                               you  at college.
       sexy, StarTrekand EdAsner.
       Good luck and we  love you ,                                                     We  love you ,
       Honey!                                                                                  Mom  and  Dad

       The "Herd"                          Sonya Carlson        Angie Mehsling

                     You've always taught me that you could do
                     anything if you believed you could . And this   We're very proud  of you!
                     is  only your beginning!                      Congratulations!
                     Congratulations and Good luck in  college!
                                                                   Love ,
                            I Love You ,                                  Mom , Dad & Lexi too
     Scott Coryell                                                                                    Amanda Soriano

                                                                                -eolleen ,
                                                                                 We wish you  a continued love fer life . We
          You 'vecomealongway, baby!                                             love you  so  much.

          Love, Mom                                                                     Dad , Mom , Milissa, Gramps,
                                                                                        & Nona
                                           Becky Barrett       Colleen Cooney

                     Jill,                                        Congratulations to  the  Great 8!

                     To accomplish great things you  must not            Love , Joe and  Sharon
                     only act, but also dream; not only plan , but
                     also believe.        (Anonymous)
                                                               Sarah Barr, Karen Cunningham, Heather Brown,
                     The reward of a thing well  done is  to  have   Colleen Cooney, Beth Baadte, Jenny McCarthy,
                     done it.             (Emerson)            Stephanie Haney,Angie Ringling

       Jill  Hoover         We're  Proud  of  You!  Love-
                                   Mom , Dad , and  Robb
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