Page 37 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 37
·ps Endure Some Obstacles
It became a fact, relationships had Those interviewed were also asked
become a part of high school for good. about their dream guy/girl. Senior Bran-
Some believed the words relationship and don Larson described his as , "36-24-36."
high school had no business in the same In addition to "good morals," Senior Becky
sentence. Others seemed to be looking for Leach thought her dream guy "had to have
their permanent mate by sophomore year. a good butt. " Riley and Senior Denice
For example, a certain poem dis- Carlin said their dream guys were their own
cussed during a particular English Litera- boyfriends.
ture class brought up the subject. The topic Even with all of these positives,
fell mainly on what guys and girls wanted there were the downsides. Leach said ,
out of relationships. While every girl in the "Relationships in high school needed to be
room had an opinion for themselves, as well a lot less physical and have more commu-
as for the guys, no more than two guys nication." Many also dealt with long dis-
really spoke up to give a response. Jokingly tance relationships, such as Carlin and
-Debbi Eades or not, when the girls said "sex," few males Larson . Riley said, "I just wished we were
rebuked that answer. older, so we could do whatever we wanted
However, many had more romantic with no worries of college or anything."
visions. Senior Denise Riley said of her Whether one would have opted for
relationship , "I liked our closeness, the physi- Cindy Crawford and her "Gotta Have It
cal aspect." As for seriousness in high Card," ora generic nice guy with a cute tush ,
school, Junior Kim Geist thought her man one look down the hall told all : Relation-
would have needed" to be really commit- ships in high school were nowhere near an
ted , yet give me some freedom." end .