Page 85 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 85

1Boards  Active In School, City

                                         -    Jolene Lundgren
        Graduation,  Prom  and   Cacioppo.                  lot  easier for me  to  advise the   was in April , we scrambled to get
  the Community  were  the  main   SCB  and  JCB  each  club."                            things done,  but  it  was  a  con-
  concerns  of  the  Junior and  Se-  planned  projects to  help  both   Working together for  a  trolled scramble, "said JCB ad-
  nior Class  Boards this year.   the community and MN .    common  cause  was  a  major  visor Steve  Dvorak.  "  They
      The first project of the year   SCB's  sweatshirt sales  means of  planning and  getting  (JCB)  did a very good job and
  for  JCB  and  SCB  was to  elect  madeover$1 ,000, which helped  projects done. For example, JCB   were very committed. They were
  clu b officers .  Selected  for  Se-  to  fund  Alumni  Day.  This  day  brought  in  $800 for their Looney  as  well organized as  any group
  nior Class  Board  was President  allowed last year's graduates to   Junes sweatshirts and  tee's.  I've had."
  Heather Melonis , Vice President  spend  a  day  at  MN  to  share  They  collected approximately   Both boards jointly sold
  Chad  Boomgarden , and Secre-  advice on  their own college ex-  3000 lbs. in  cans in the can food   honeyonHoneySunday, Money
  tary!Treasurer  Jodie Fougeron.  periences.  Other projects con-  drive for the Omaha Food Bank.   went to the retarded and excep-
  Junior  Class  Board officers  sisted of Homecoming Pep Rally,   They also gave $1,000 to  The  tional  children organizations.
  elected  were  President Jennifer  After Prom, Can  Recycling and   Good  Fellows organization.  Throughout the year the boards
  Underwood ,  Vice  President  graduation. A new SCB advisor  Other projects  consisted  of  a   were there to  support the com-
   Kathy  Kearns , Secretary Nekia  Kristi  Larson  said,  "The  help   Senior Breakfast,  a  Clothing  munity and stir up  a little fun for
   House ,  and  Treasurer Steve  from members at large made it a   Drive, and Prom. "Because Prom   the student body.
                                                                                            Frank, Zachary
                                                                                            Frazier, Nathan
                                                                                            Fredericks, Dawn
                                                                                            Freeland, Kate
                                                                                            Freelin, Heather
                                                                                            Freeman, Thomas

                                                                                            Freis, Timothy
                                                                                            Frerichs, Chad
                                                                                            Friedman, Caren
                                                                                            Fritsch, Terry
                                                                                            Fritz, Jason
                                                                                            Gallup, Jennifer

                                                                                            Gambrel, Heather
                                                                                            Gehrig, Joshua
                                                                                            Geist, Kim
                                                                                            Gibson , Thomas
                                                                                            Gilbert, Brittany
                                                                                            Gilbert, Melanie

                                                                                            Gilbreath, Kara
                                                                                            Gille, Katie
                                                                                            Gillette, Dana
                                                                                            Gillette, Jennifer
                                                                                            Gittins, Julie
                                                                                            Glass, Lori

                                                                                            Gleason, Melinda
                                                                                            Goddard, Melanie
                                                                                            Godinez, Francisco
                                                                                            Golbitz, Leslie
                                                                                            Gonnion, Daivd
                                                                                            Goodbrake, Brian
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