Page 84 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 84

Doll , Erin
                               Doll , Matthew
                            Domanski, Patricia
                               Donahue, Amy
                            Donatelle, Heather
                              Donohue, Anne

                                Dooley, Brian
                              Dougherty, Joey
                             Dowse, Katherine
                              Duffek, Michael
                               Dunn, Colleen
                                Earl, Jeremy

                                Easdale, Lori
                                Eastep , Kim
                             Edwards, Aubrey
                             Eggeling , Daniel
                                Erdei, Daniel
                             Fadke, Charlene

                           Farnsworth, Joseph
                               Felchner, Erin
                               Felton, Andrea
                           Ferguson , Matthew
                               Ferraguti, Erin
                               Ferris, Tracey

                                Fi sher, Julie
                            Fisher, Samantha
                           Flethcher, Christina
                              Fletcher, Justin
                               Fora! , Jennifer
                               Franco, Scott

                Senior Class  Board  member Mike   Junior Class Board  members Casey
                Howland sells senior class sweatshirts,   Wolfe, Jenny Burton, and Kathy Kearns
                !-shirts, boxers, and jerseys to  fellow   work togehter  to search for fund raising
                students.  (Beth Wood)       ideas.(A/ex  Herr)

                 sO     JCBI SCB

   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89