Page 87 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 87
Club Helps Community
-Jennifer David Seniors Kevin Welsh , Jason Winterboer,
Increased involvement Ryan Horner, Vice-President activities and fundraisers were and Jodi Fougeron spend a Sunday
in the community and the orga- Heather Melonis, Secretary important. NHS sponsored so- afternoon selling honey for Honey
Sunday. (Michelle Cadmus)
nization was the main goal of the Jamie Clanton, and Treasurer cial activities for fundraisers. A
N ational Honor Society. Ryan Bergmann encouraged car wash, volleyball tournament,
Students were chosen more group service projects and pie sales raised money for
by demonstrating leadership, which included bowling for at least three scholarships. Stu-
s ervice , and academic excel- Spinabifida, bingo at the dents could work with other stu-
le nce . Senior Elizabeth Shan- Montclair nursing home, and dents to help the community.
non sa id, "NHS gives us a selling honey on Honey Sunday. Senior Carrie Lewis said, "It was
chance to be in situations where Also, they made sure members fun working with students and
we were able to exemplify our did their 10 hours of community the community that we might
se rvices and talents." Junior service where they could choose not have otherwise had the op-
Patti Domanski said , "NHS let how they wanted to donate their portunity to work with ."
us stand out and be leaders to time. Throughout the year,
our peers ." Although service was a NHS strived to improve the com-
The officers: President big part of the society, social munity and serve as leaders.
Hartman, Amy
Hass, Jennifer
Hautzinger, Christopher
Hay, Brad
Hayden, Michelle
Heaney, Ann
Hegarty, Amber
Hegarty, Courtney
Hegwood, Nicole
Hemminger, Jason
Henderson, Melanie
Hendricks, Brandon
Hensley, Craig
Hernandez, Daniel
Herr, Alex
Herron, Justin
Hieb, Kerry
Hill , Mark
Hinsey, Joel
Hiscock, Laura
Hix, Chris
Hofschulte, Stacey
Holland, Dulcie
Holmes, Jared
Holt, Andrew
Honn, Samantha
Hospodka, James
House, Nekia
Hove, Becky
Howard, Michael
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