Page 89 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 89
Height Makes No Difference
Jill Hoover
Would you rather be Senior Julie Love. three girls was definitely an Tim Vint said, " I was so short
walking down a street and having Being taller than advantage. They made code compared to everyone in
y our head graze tree branches everyone else had its good names for the different heights elementary school. I was always
a nd apartment house awnings? aspects as well. " I love being and among them they had inside front and center in school
Or would you rather be too short tall; everyone has to look up at jokes. "One Short Cool One pictures. Now, I look down on
to see over the dashboard of a me anyway you look at it!" said (SCO) is worth 50 Medium Cool those who were in the back and
car or not be able to reach a cup Junior Danielle Whorlow. Ones (MECOS) and 500 Tall middle of the pictures. I
on the top shelf in the kitchen? Always being the short Cool Ones (TACOS). We like experienced both views. I'm glad
At MN, it's a mixture of ones in school were Seniors being short because people I didn't stay short!"
tall and short heights, however; Jessica Wilson, Cindy Chung, never suspect that a short person As the students got
there are disadvantages and and Trasi Martin. They learned could be so evil-like us! " through the short and tall of it all,
a dvantages to both! to "make light" oftheirheightand Many have had the they adapted and lived with
" Being short I never cracked jokes to get back at "growth spurt" that caught them their height. What else was there
have to worry about my boyfriend those who teased them. up to everyone else, and they to do? After all, one's height was
b eing shorter than I!" said 5'2" Being short to these escaped the "shortness". Senior not a choice!
Keller, Evan
Kerkhoff, Aaron
Kersten, Colleen
Kimzey, E. Tom
Kindler, Shara
Kinney, Beth
Kirchhoff, Brian
Kirchofer, Robert
Kisicki, Kelly
Kline, Olan
Kloock, Nate
Kolar, Christina
Kratzer, Daniel
Krier, Heather
Krueger, Amanda
Kruger, Tia
Kucera , Stephanie
Kumke, Wade
Kuncaitis, Amy
Lacina, Michael
Lammers, Doug
Lane, Ruth
Lange, Robyn
Larson, Anna
Larson, Brent
Latacha, Matthew
Layman, Ryan
Leary, Kristina
Lee, Amanda
Lee, Charles