Page 32 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 32

Curfews Issue For All

                                                                              A curfew was an issue that  at 11  p.m. and my curfew was 11 :3(
                                                                       affected most everyone on the week-  p.m.," said Costello.
                                                                       ends.  Whether or not a student had   However, as  students gol
                                                                       a curfew, most like! y one  of his/her  older, curfews and plans changed
                                                                       friends did.                   "My curfew will  change as  I  gel
                                                                            Freshman Nathan Drake's  more responsible," said sophomon
                                                                       curfew was 10:00 on the weekends.  Ed Filmyer. As Costello' s curfe\\
                                                                       "My friends' [curfews] are the same,   got later, his plans changed. "Th(
                                                                       but it affects me because I can't stay   main  thing  was  everyone startec
                                                                       out as  late," Drake said.  On  the   driving.  We didn't have to  stay ir
                                                                       other hand, junior  Trisha Fix didn't  one place.  My parents were mon
                                                                       have one, "It  depended on  what I   easy going," Costello said.
                                                                       was doing," said Fix.              However, students still  hac
                                                                              Junior Andy  Costello's  fun on the weekends. "Even thougt
                                                                       curfew was permanent, which lim-  there is  nothing to do in  Omaha, I
                                                                       ited what he could do.  "I wanted to   still have fun  with my friends, nc
                                                                       play volleyba ll  at McCormick's un-  matter what my curfew is" said Se·
                                                                       til3 a.m., but the tournaments started   nior Blake Youngman.O
                            s,.,;,, y,,, o,;,;,,

                    W"n ;,  til•  ••If  "••NI ,,,.,._.,  /14111•,1  Nol'lll?

                     Mlnffelld  ol people  fiiiJing 'wh11f  'f  up~  fheg fiiiJ '1up
                     hl'll '.  ''             -Seniol' K•r/11  0'/t•-'•

                     -uh, huh ••• huh • .• fhllf wuz  ~Jool  •.• huh •• • huh -

                                              - Juniol'  J•' /11•11

                                              -fl'e1hm11n  H•l'llll1/c•

                     ''Heg  Big Shoonl''     -Seniol' K•llr Willi•••

                   Weekends gave students a
                   chance to relax after a stressful   Cars opened up  a  whole new  realm of   Subway was  often  the  central  place  for   with friends about how their day went. Later
                   week  of school. Freshman Eric   activities for  the weekends.  Seniors Matt   friends to  meet up  with  each other before   they will decide what to do for the rest oftht
                   Skaff watches cartoons before   Vanderholmand  ScottJoki listen to music on   going out to different parties or school events.   night. (Ted Graham)
                   calling friends. (Del Skaff)   the way to pick up  friends. (Ted Graham)   Seniors John Bode and  Andy Ketteler talk
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