Page 28 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 28

Making It Work

                                                                               "This is  the one, the one   honest,"  said senior Stephani'
                                                                        I've been  looking for  my  whole   Torrens, "I have a long distant rei a
                                       elationships                     life!" Relationships were the big-  tionship, and we  keep it  going b:
                                                                        gest part of a high schooler's life.   talking and telling each other  wha
                                                                        How do they come together to form   we are feeling."
                                                                        something special, and how could     When the search was ove
                                                                        anyone be  sure how to  keep them   and  the  mate was  found,  student
                                                                        going?  Students said  that  there   tried to  be  creative in  the  way  t'
                                                                        were many factors that helped rela-  keep the flame alive. "We never gf
                                                                        tionships work and kept them from   sick of each other, and we value  al
                                                                        getting old.                  the time we spend together. We tr
                                                                               When it came to problems,   to think  of different things to do, S•
                                                                        some decided that one of the big-  we have memories of fun things th<
                                                                        gest leaps was meeting and getting   we've done together and this neve
                                                                        to  know a perspective companion.   gets boring," said  senior J an
                                                                        "I  think  that  once you  get over   Dasanbrock.
                                                                        te ll ing secrets and opening up , you   While some had a positiv
                                                                        can start to  think about having a   view about relationships, other wer
                           911•pilll  y,,, Op;,;,,                      relationship. The hard part is  just   more pessimjstic.  "Relationship
                      w,., •••  tit• IJill•lf li• ,,,.,., "'" ,,,,      learning more about the person you   are a  waste of time because in  th
                                                                        want to have a relationship  with,"
                      I•HIIfl?                                          said senior Heidi Taggert.    end you  always get hurt.  It  nevf
                                                                                                      lasts  very  long, and I  always fef
                                                                               Knowing exactly what it   terrible when it's over," said senic
                       ~The  biggelf lie I eve/' told mg pa,.enfl Will  when  I Will   is  that makes a  relationship work   Krista Hager .
                      in eighth gl'ade,  and I fold hel'l Will  lfaging at  11 ll'iend1   was a  challenge. "Trust and hon-  Therefore, relationships t
                      hou1e , and we went to thi1 gug  '1 aparlmenf  who Will   esty is a big part  of it.  Communica-  most students were highly value
                      fWenfg-lou/'  geal'f  old.  H  -Seniol'  Michelle Bel'f   tion  is  the key.  You  have to  be   and fun  for most couples. 0

                       ~I  fell them  /love 11  whole  bunch 1/I'Ound  Chl'ilfmal
                      time,  10 that I can get mo/'e pMienn!!  ~
                                            -$eniol'  Heafhel'  Jen1en

                       ~I  hid a couple  I'Unawagl  at mg bl'ofhel'  '1 hou1e . Theg
                      We/'e  wanted bg the lfafe ol Minnelofa,  and I onlg got
                      caught becau1e  1omeone  fold on me.  H
                                            -Juniol'  l<l'ilfin  Moline/'

                                                                        Graduate Matt  Callahan,  Seniors Jenny   Freshman Justin Booth and Kim Kostsze\
                                                                        Niederhaus, Saige Arvanitis, Troy Teegarden,   spend  an evening together with their frienc
                                                                        Andrea  Wagaman,  and  date  Chad   It was not  uncommon for  a date to  in vol·
                                                                        McClanahan enjoy pre-Homecoming in  a   more than one couple.
                                                                        home setting. They dressed up for the home-
                                                                        cooked meal prepared by their boyfriends.
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