Page 31 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 31
Sophomores Ryan Sorenson and Scott
Eastman sponthe skater look. Students of all
ages dressed differentl y fo r th e everyday.
(Leah Naple)
Long skirts with a pl aid pattern were popular
among women of all ages. Seni or Kell y Bass
models one way that thi s style could be worn .
(Kristen Mollner)
Dressier clothes could also be seen at school.
However, they were usuall y combined with
more comfortable everday items. Wearin g a
Looney Toon's ti e and a baseball hat is seni or
Bri an Jensen. (Kristen Mollner)
Junior Casey Kirschn er and Joselyn Walsh Junior Emily Fusgrave find s different style
strut th eir stuff. Wearin g short fl oral print o f shoes help her to make a fashi on
skins with ti ghts was an altern ati ve to th e statememenl. Popular shoe choices were
short skins with panty hose of later years. Berkenstocks, Eastl and s, tenn is shoes and
(K risten Mollner) Nike sand als. (Leah Naple)