Page 31 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 31

Sophomores  Ryan  Sorenson  and  Scott
                                                                                          Eastman sponthe skater look. Students of all
                                                                                          ages dressed  differentl y  fo r  th e  everyday.
                                                                                          (Leah Naple)

                                                                                          Long skirts with a pl aid pattern  were popular
                                                                                          among women of all ages. Seni or Kell y Bass
                                                                                          models one way that thi s style could be worn .
                                                                                          (Kristen Mollner)

                                                                                          Dressier clothes could also be seen at school.
                                                                                          However, they were usuall y combined with
                                                                                          more comfortable everday items.  Wearin g a
                                                                                          Looney Toon's ti e and a baseball  hat is seni or
                                                                                          Bri an Jensen.  (Kristen Mollner)

                              Junior Casey  Kirschn er and  Joselyn  Walsh   Junior Emily Fusgrave find s different style
                              strut th eir stuff.  Wearin g short  fl oral print   o f  shoes  help  her  to  make  a  fashi on
                              skins  with  ti ghts  was an altern ati ve  to  th e   statememenl.  Popular  shoe choices were
                              short  skins  with  panty  hose of later years.   Berkenstocks,  Eastl and s,  tenn is  shoes and
                              (K risten Mollner)            Nike sand als.  (Leah Naple)
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