Page 76 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 76
Shirk, Scott
Short, Aimee
Short, Nathan
Siemek, Ni cole
Silberstein, Seth
Simmonds, Dawn
Skaff, Andria
Small , Jennifer
Small , Kelly
Smith, Monte
Smith, Nicholas
Smith, Regina
Smyrk, Alison
Snow, Brent
Sorensen, Kri sty
Sprague, Aaron
Staack, Patri cia
Stann er, Sara
Steele, Aaron
' ! '.,.
Seni ors Mike Ivers and Brock Bl evins move a
table at the Memory Walk for Alzheimers in
Chalco Hills for Civic hours. (Ted Graham)
Seni ors Moll y Gray, In a Mari e Ulanday, Sara
Hi x and Junior Jonathan Ulanday talk to Millard
North Middle School eighth graders about the
li fe at high school. (Ted Graham)