Page 77 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 77
Stephens, Patrick
Stephenson, Kristen
Stillwell, Amy
Stimmler, Mark
Stortz, Troy
Straub, Stephen
Stutznegger, Heidi
Sum, Heather
Suski, Christopher
Swensen, Dave
Taggart, Heidi
Taylor, Koree
Teegarden, Troy
Tennison, Melissa
Thomsen, Stephen
Thornblad, Matthew
Thune, Jeff
Timmons, Cassi
Tintsman, Sarah
Toney, Jason
Giving Up Freeti01e Benefits Others
' H aving '"Y fm time on Haas said about her experience. teer I feel good about myselfbecause
anyone's hands could get a student To be able to pass Civics/ I have given up my free time in order
to think about how to spend it. With Consumerism, a required class to help others," junior Kim Easdale
jobs, homework and studying, sports, taken during the senior year, it was said. Others just enjoyed the satis-
and of course a social life, one would necessary for a senior to do I 0 faction
probably not have very much free hours of volunteering. The Hu- Some students who either
time. But no matter how busy, stu- mane Society, hospitals, nursing didn't like volunteering ordidn 'thave
dents could still spend a couple hours homes, musuems, tutoring, and time to volunteer could consider
a week volunteering. other various places where help was themselves lucky. MN only had 10
Things that were offered to very much needed and appreciated hours of required volunteering work
people that wanted to volunteer were were the most popular places for a for the civics classes, unlike some
Volunteers in Action, Civics and a person to volunteer. Some students schools in the country which had up
Community Service class. More stu- also were able to volunteer through to 50-100 hours of required volun-
dents were able to volunteer when church projects and National Hon- teering throughout their high school
they were younger because they had ors Society. career. Some found giving up their
to and had time. "When I couldn't The benefit for the time without pay suspicious. "Don't
drive, and didn't have a job, I had to communtiy was one of the main do anything you don't want to, espe-
volunteer at a child care because my reasons for volunteers to go out and cially for free," junior Melissa Beck
mom made me ," junior Shannon do what they did. "When I volun- said.G