Page 81 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 81

Du ri ng  an  AP  European  History fi eld  trip,   Discussing the good times and havin g fun are
                                                              juni or Casey Kirchner separates herself fro m   junior Christy  Mills, Amy Wisecarver, and
                                                              the  group  to  take some  special  thin kin g   Darcy Childress. Lun ch was also good for
                                                              tim e.(Leah Naple)            givin g  the  student s  a  break  from  classes.
                                                                                            (Leah Naple)

                                                              Gathering  in  hall s  gives  students  plenty  of
                                                              time to catch up on the  latest gossip.  Juniors
                                                              Alex  Jambor,  Josh  Conway,  a nd  Dan
                                                              Schuchart  take time to fill  in  on what's goin g
                                                              on in  each others'  li ves.
                                                              (Kristin Mollner)

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