Page 83 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 83

Bender, Eric
                                                                                                        Bennett. Sarah
                                                                                                        Bensley, Melissa
                                                                                                        Bi sbee, Jayson
                                                                                                        Bitsos,  Annie
                                                                                                        Blatny, Stacey
                                                                                                        Bloyd, Nicholas

                                                                                                        Boggs, Mi chael
                                                                                                        Bohling, Robert
                                                                                                        Booth, Jennifer
                                                                                                        Borgmeyer,  Christopher
                                                                                                        Borsheim, Joshua
                                                                                                        Bostrom, Elliott
                                                                                                        Bouc, Daniel

                                                                                                        Bouckhuyt, Laurie
                                                                                                        Bousum, Joshua
                                                                                                        Bowlin, Kri slyn
                                                                                                        Brasel, Wendy
                                                                                                        Brem1an, Daniel
                                                                                                        Bresley, Nicole
                                                                                                        Brewer, Marc

                                                                                                        Brown, Eric
                                                                                                        Brown, Jeremy
                                                                                                        Bruning, Michael
                                                                                                        Bruns, Lindsay
                                                                                                        Bunjer, Teresa
                                                                                                        Burch,  Sara
                                                                                                        Burns, Angela

   ~                                                       ~

   Entrance Tests Crucial

    F                     Mcvu,P~

        or  most students,  the  reasons  Millard North.  Next, prior to  the
    were  clear as  to  why they took the   test,  familiarize yourself with  the
    SAT/ACT  tests.  "I took the ACT  style, make-up and type of ques-
    because  I plan  to  go to  college and  tions on the test," test center super-
    those  are the requirements to get in,"   visor Wayne Fowler said.
    senior  Tashi Sakota said.          Students took advantage of
          The  ACT  was  the  most   this  advice because of the impor-
    widely  taken test because it was the   tance of these tests.  "I took college
    standard  test required for Midwest-  prep grammar, and I  went to  a  re-
    em  colleges.  The  SAT was  nor-  view class that ACT sponsors to get
    mally  utilized throughout the West!  the  most out of my  test," senior
    East  coast.  Whatever the test stu-  Chr istine Sandhurst said.
    dents  chose,  it was always an  object   Some sophomores decided
    of interest.                to take the PSA T and PLAN tests for
          The exam's objective was  experience  in  future tests.  "l took
    to allow students to apply to colleges  the PSAT and the PLAN so I could
    with  their  scores.  After taking the   prepare myself for the SAT/ ACT in
    test,  the next step was deciding which  order to  get scholarships and get
    colleges  to  look at.  "I've narrowed  into  a  good  college,"  sophomore
    down  my  choices to  three colleges:  Michelle Lee said.
    Wheaton  in  Illinois, Hastings Col-  With the pressure  of suc-
    lege,Nebraska,or Hillsdale in Michi-  ceeding on  the  SAT/ACT exams,
    gan,"  senior Todd Hilkemann said.   some found ways to  relax as much
          Counselors provided help-  as  possible.  "I  wear comfortable   ACT review books are helpful to student s like
    ful  information  on  taking the SAT/  clothes, chew gum, and I think that   junior  Jeff  Slobotski  which  could
                                                                determinewhether a student gets into coll ege.
    ACT tests.  "The best way to prepare  no matter what I do, it'  II  tum out for   (Ted Graham)
    for either test is to take a solid, chal-  the  best,"  junior Lisa Halamicek                            f/C1;$!11
    lenging  academic  course load  at  said.O
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