Page 85 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 85
Cohn, Jennifer
Connell, Rosalyn
Connell y, Jennifer
Conway, Joshua
Coonrod, Brent
Cooper, Kelli e
Costell o, Anthony
Coufal, Dayna
Coyle, Brian
Crewse, Elisha
Crites, Matthew
Curbeam, Carli sa
Cyr, Justin
Dambrosia, Amy
Decastro, Karli
Deffenbaugh, David
Deitloff, Christopher
Delashmutt, Emily
DeLia, Mike
Deming, Kyle
Desantiago, Rachel
Deselm, Timothy
Dettman, Michael
Dickey, Kristin
Distefano, David
Dooley, Katherine
Doucette, Lindsy
Downey, Douglas
Break Activities Differ
S h~Ke/4
tudents spent their time off small, cute, furry anim'llls," said se-
from school in varying temperatures. nior Aaron Adams. He went to his
They did not just sit around watch- cousin's in Pender, Nebraska and
ing a television set or playing video shot a pheasant.
games, but often went to the great Some students got tired of
outdoors. Some decided to enjoy the worrying about hypothermia and
cold weather and snow around the went to where the sun shined. Fresh-
Midlands, while others escaped to man Stacey Kearney, her senior sis-
the mountains, to hit the slopes. Still ter Jenney Kearney, and her MN
other students decided to go South to graduate brother Ryan Kearney spent
defrost. the end of their Christmas vacation
The arrival of Jack Frost vi siting their father in Ft. Lauder-
brought snow and many winter ac- dale. Jenney and Ryan tried out
Senio r John Bode jumps with excitement after tivities. Many students such as se- bungee-jumping, and all of them went
the Cornhusker's 24- 17 victory in Mi ami. The nior Casey Lindsey and freshman to the Orange Bowl.
Orange Bowl took place during Chri stmas Chad Snow went sledding at such Of course days off were not
vacation. (Ted Graham)
locations as Zorinsky Lake during always spent having fun and out of
After moving se nior Blake Youngman's two the snow days . Others traveled a bit school. Junior Sara Kucaitis spent
md a half ton car off a large rock, Youngman farther to places such as Colorado. one of her precious snow days clean-
md se nior Nicholas Kell y try out a much Senior Troy Brinkman went to Key- in g up a mess the boys swim team
;maller Dodge Neon. They traveled to the
Juto show at the civic auditorium during a stone Ski Resort with his family over left after her. Seniors Kristi
fanuary snow day. (Robert Murphy) Christmas vacation. Rasgorshek and Lara Johannsen said
The winter months not only that they spent a snow day in the
brought snow, but they also brought Journalism room 321 working on
the hunting season. "I like to kill this yearbook. (j