Page 87 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 87
Foster, Trevor
Franz, Brian
Fredericks, Randy
Friedlund, Sarah
Friesen, Jeff
Fritz, Michaela
Gardels, Emily
Gasparini, Francesca
Gedbow, Jeffrey
Gehrig, Jeremy
Geis, Ben
Gilley, Anne
Giovanni, Angela
Glorvick, Todd
Godbout, Aaron
Godwil), Kelly
Goodbrake, Elizabeth
Gran, Stacy
Grant, Amy
Grant, Carey
Graunke, Jeffrey
Greathouse, Shelly Kay
Greco, Alysia
Grosskopf, Katie
Grover, Tracy
Gudenrath, Joe
Trends Easy to See, Hard to Forget
T hair from the 60's, but with most sophomore Nate Kasebaum said.
reods come '"d treods go.
One year it is fashionable to carry a students baseball caps and basically Trendy thingsalso appeared
backpack on the right shoulder, the just all types of different clothes differently by different ages. It was
next year it is the left shoulder, and such as big jeans and class shirts are trendy to drive a mini-van filled with
finally both shoulders. really trendy items," teacher Paul a million happy meal toys and a
It was the same with flores- Sanders said. thousand screaming kids eating
cent colors, carrying around little This year it was naval rings, McDonald's happy meals with even
trolls, Cabbage Patch Kids, Garbage Birkenstocks, black lights, neon more plastic toys. These kids were
Pail Kids, Ninja Turtles, tapering lights under cars, dyeing hair with of course wearing The Lion King
jeans, Transformers, charm neck- Kool Aid the colors of the rainbow, sports wear and strapped into child
laces, bracelets, jelly shoes, friend- micro-mini shirts, shorts and skirts, car safety seats. The kids were also
ship bracelets, pins necklaces and all nick-names, Liz Clairbome purses, carrying all six or seven Mighty
sorts of other friendship parapher- yellow Esprit work boots, and for Morphin Power Ranger dolls. The
nalia. This list could go on and on. seniors, senior T-shirts, sweatshirts, driver then had to be at least 25.
"What I remember the most or any type of shirt that proclaimed However, it was not very often that a
is when everybody tapered their jeans they were seniors. high schooler would be caught dead
in middle school. I admit I did it too, Another big trend this year driving a munchkin 's filled mini-
but now that I look back on it, that was the shaved bowl hair cut for van.
was just really stupid. Now every- guys. This cut could be seen on Until a high schooler is
one cuffs up their jeans about a half students of all ages from the young- caught dead driving a munchkin and
inch. I just don't believe that all est freshman to the oldest senior. happy meal toy filled mini-van, trends
these people's jeans are really a half "Trendy things are neat. I will continue to change. Maybe next
an inch too long," senior Michele like them ," senior Kent Barnes year it will be trendy to wear
Kurs said. said. This view was held by many Cinderella dresses to school along
Teachers had other trends students. Other students had differ- with combat boots and charm neck-
that they remembered. "l remember ent opinions on trends. "I think it is laces. With trends anything is al-
big bell bottom jeans and long, long trendy to do whatever is not trendy," ways possible and it was. 0