Page 86 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 86

Drake, Mi chell e
                  Dryden, DeeAnn
                  Dunlap, Shannon
                 Dunn, Christopher
                   Duplain , Justin
                      Earl , Scott
                 Easdale, Kimberly

                    Eden, Sausha
                     Egan, Jason
                    Ehl e,  Donald
                     Ehl ers, Brett
                  Eiden, Matthew
                Eisenman, Jennifer
                   Elzway,  Osama

                   Emerson, Jodie
                  Engelhaupt, Lori
                    Eriksen, Erich
                    Evans, Joshu a
                   Evans, Rebecca
                   Falke, Allyson
                   Fallin, Andrew

                     Felton, Ryan
                Ferrero, Christopher
               Finnegan, Christopher
                      Fi x,  Trisha
                   Florio, Michael
                      Ford, Ryan
                   Foster, Michael

                                          Seni ors  Janette  Liu  and  Holl y  McAdams
                                          model different trends.  Liu models one of the
                                          more preppy trends and McAdams one of the
                                          more relaxed trends.  (Michelle Bert)
                                          Neon light s for all  types of automobiles were
                                          a  hot  trend  among some  students.  Senior
                                          Chris Lanoha had these li ghts in stall ed on th e
                                          under side of hi s truck.  (Jeff Slobotski)
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