Page 14 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 14
Suntnter Ends Early
As the bell rang on May 26, sons. O'Keefe attended NSI and
1994, every student ran toward Boys State. " It had to be by far the
their cars to begin an 80- day best two weeks of my life,
summer. Many students either because I met my dream girl and
erFun toured the country/world or stayed had a great time," said O'Keefe.
around the Big 0 for the summer.
Bass attended Lincoln and
Some students went to the
west coast for enjoyment. "My other Nebraska schools to see with
which school she felt more com-
family went to Monterey this sum- fortable. "I had a great time this
mer to visit all my relatives. We summer, looking around at all the
got to lie on the beach all day campuses and deciding which
and tour the infamous Monterey school would be best for me," said
Bay Aquarium," said freshman Bass.
Eric Skaff. Most students found some-
Other students went to check thing exciting to do with their
out colleges of their choice for the summer. "Even though the sum-
upcoming year. Seniors Kelley mer was dull, I still had fun being
Bass and Kevin O'Keefe both went with all my friends," said junior
to Lincoln, but for different rea- Tyson Bartlett. 0
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•silly Baldwin, he it bg Ia,. the onlg gug that /would eve,.
want fo be /elf alone with on a tletel'f it/anti. •
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•Pamela Antlel'ton , be~aute the it beaufilul. •
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Senior Nicole Brown and junior Ryan Felton
take a break from a leadershjp session at
student council camp. (Kelly Alsup)
Juniors Kelly Alsup and Crystal Hayden
wait to contuine with their student council
Coop meeting.
Taking time away from band activities at
Di sney World, sophomores Ryan Gehl,
Carrie Freeman, Heather Cashero, Justin
McCarthy, Sarah Went, and Sarah Coan go
shopping for souvenirs.